Explain how carolines behavior using the equity theory

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Reference no: EM132148800

Caroline was happy to earn her associates degree in dental hygeine with an emphasis in children's prophylaxis. At the very least she has a job that made her family happy and got them off her back about a career. Her mom and dad constantly pointed out that even in hard times children would still need to have there teeth cleaned and parents would work to ensure the health of their children so her job would be recession proof. Additionally her family felt that a job in the medical profession gave her more status and others would see her as someone important, After working with the placement service of the university Caroline found a job at a large family dental practice in the valley. She wanted to appear as professional as possible so she joined all the local,state, aand national dental hygeinist organizations she could find ecen though she had no real intentions of participationg asuming a leafership rolde in any of the organizations. After two weeks of orientation caroline was assigned her own room and began to recieve new clients. her work focused on children and she worked hard to build their confidence in her and overcome the frear of going to the dentist. Caroline thought it waas strange tha she and the other dentist doing a cursory once ober at the end of the cleaning session,yet dentist were paid much more of the per patient fees. One weekend working out at the local gym she had joined for exercise and networking opportunities. Caroline ran into julia one of her former classmates after exchanging some idle chit chat julia asked her how she liked her new job. Carolina explained that she recieved little satisfaction from the job other than seeing the smiles of children she worked on and she realized now that it was a job like any other. One evening carolina was in line to place her orfer at a local carryout diner. In front of her was chrystal the accounts manager for the dental practice. Chyrstal invited caroline to sit with her in the dining room. As they ate dinner, Chrystal remarked to caroline she had some feedback she would like to share with her. Caroline remarked that she had hoped it was not a problem with the insurance billing she had completed for a family earlier in the week. Chrystal ensured her it had nothing to do with the insurance. She went on to tell caroline that she had overheard severak dentist in practice rederring to her as automatic and emotionless when dealing with children who were her patients. They were concerned that caroline had no passion for her job and could make a critical mistake due to her blase' attitude. Caroline became defensive and angry telling chrystal she loved the children and wold never do anything to hurt them. she went on to tell her that if she were paid a little more she might be more inclined to be more passionate about the job. But as it was well...

1. What can caroline do to become more motivated about her work and overcome the reputation of being passionless about her job.

2. what motivational opportunities could caroline expect from her boesses at the dentis office?

3. Explain how carolines behavior using the equity theory

4. How would Herzberg explain carolines lack of passion for her job.

Reference no: EM132148800

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