Reference no: EM131205329
Case Study, Stage 1: Process Analysis
For this assignment:
1. List at least three objectives or goals that Dr. Martin has, and briefly explain how an EHR system can help him with each objective. Note that a minimum of 4 objectives or goals are needed to earn the full points.
2. Next you will model the patient visit process as it is currently performed at the UMUC Family Clinic; this is the AS-IS Process. Draw a process model to show the major steps in the patient's visit to the UMUC Family Clinic from the time they arrive until they leave. This patient is a returning patient, will receive a prescription based on earlier blood test results sent from the laboratory, and his insurance company will be billed for the visit. You must refer to the AS-IS process as described in the case, cover all the current steps and be careful not to oversimplify. The objective here is to correctly map the current state of the process, so the improvements offered by the TO-BE process (Item 3 below) are clear. "Patient enters --> gets prescription --> leaves office (insurance company is billed)" is not a reflection of the current state.
3. Then you will model the way that you expect the new patient visit process to function after a technology solution (EHR System) is implemented and the process is improved; this is the TO-BE Process. NOTE: We are NOT specifying the specific technology in the TO-BE Process. Identifying the specific technology will be part of a later stage assignment.
As you develop your models, review the Week 2 readings on processes, process analysis and process modeling. You will use flowchart symbols to indicateprocess steps, decision points, etc. The flowchart symbols to be used and examples of how to use them to illustrate the work flow can be found in the "Flowchart" lecture. You may use Microsoft Word, Excelor Power Point to develop your process models. If you use another product, it is your responsibility to ensure it can be read using the Microsoft Office products.
Tools for Creating the Models
The following are two URL's that have a more detailed description of Flow Charting and its uses:
To create a flow chart in Word 2007 and 2010:
To create a flow chart or process map in Excel:
To create a flow chart in PowerPoint:
Attachment:- UMUC Family Clinic Stage.rar
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