Explain how a landscape of racially differentiated risk

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Reference no: EM133449451

Question 1: Unit I Essay / Version 4 / Question A. The 20th century environmental and social geography of New Orleans can be described in terms of a landscape of racially differentiated risk. Explain how a landscape of racially differentiated risk emerged historically in New Orleans, focusing on how it was associated with instrumentalist practices of natural resource management and how it interacted with ideological and/or structural racism. Use at least two examples from lecture or readings to illustrate your point.

Question 2: Unit I Essay / Version 4 / Question B. Compare the goals and policies associated with market-based and community-based approaches to recovery in New Orleans since Hurricane Katrina. Explain how specific aspects of a market-based approach to recovery have served to reproduce patterns of racially differentiated risk in the city, and describe at least one way in which advocates of a community-based approach to recovery have challenged market-based policies. Use at least two examples from lecture or readings to illustrate your point.


Reference no: EM133449451

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