Explain how a borderlayout manages its display area

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13811640

1. Write a statement to create a JFrame object with a title of "My GUI Application".

2. Given the object you created in question 1,write a statement to specify the window size to be 300 pixels wide and 400 pixels high?

3. What would you need to do to the object from question 1 to make sure that the application containing the object terminated when the object's window was closed?

4. Write a Java statement to make the window associated with the object from question 1 visible.

5. Explain how a BorderLayout manages its display area.

6. Explain how a FlowLayout manages its display area.

7. Write a Java statement to have the object from question 1 manage its display area by dividing it into 3 rows which have 4 columns each.

8. The frame object from question 1 uses a BorderLayout by default. Write Java statements to create a JTextfield object and place it into the bottom part of the frame object's window.

9. Describe the sequence of steps needed to create 3 labels and place them side by side in the top part of a frame which is using a BorderLayout.

10. What happens if you add two different button objects to the SOUTH part of a frame using a BorderLayout?

11. Write a sequence of statements to create 2 JButton objects, and do what is needed so the two buttons appear one above the other on the left side of the display associated with a frame object which is using a BorderLayout. Create ALL objects required.

12. What packages would need to be imported for the code from question 11?

Reference no: EM13811640

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