Explain good management practices

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Reference no: EM133936


Outdoor Recreation

As our leisure time becomes greater and greater, the demand for recreation activities and facilities also increases. Outdoor recreation deals with any activities that a person voluntarily does in the outdoors for enjoyment and satisfaction. Many people enjoy using natural resources for outdoor recreation. The fresh air, exercises and appeal of the outdoors make being outside enjoyable. The beauty of nature is also very appealing to many people. There are many things to see and do in the outdoors. One can look for experience, enjoy and leave it in unused condition for the next person. Understanding the outdoors also helps us enjoy being outside more

We know what to expect and how to be prepared. We can also enjoy it even when we cannot walk long distances or be active in hunting and fishing The nature of outdoor recreation activities varies widely. Some activities are passive, meaning that people who do them do not exert much physical effort. Other outdoor activities require active physical participation. Examples of outdoor recreation include: water recreation, winter recreation, camping, birding, hiking, horseback riding, fishing, and hunting. The use of natural resources may be consumptive or non-consumptive. Good users of natural resources for outdoor recreation try to avoid an impact that affects the quality of the resources. They respect the rights of other people. Full and safe enjoyment begins with planning outdoor recreational activities

a) What do you understand by consumptive and non-consumptive use of natural resources during outdoor recreation? Use suitable examples to illustrate your answer

b) Identify and evaluate three common factors affecting the participation of young and old people in outdoor recreation

c) What are the factors affecting the current and future participation in recreational activities?

d) Elaborate on the benefits of participating in outdoor recreation activities


Certain activities and sites are preferred than others when it comes to choosing an outdoor recreation activity. Analyse and discuss the factors that are taken into considerations when selecting an outdoor recreation area


Explain how the provision of the following help to enhance the attractiveness of a recreational site

1) Proper planning and

2) Good management practices

Use appropriate examples wherever necessary to illustrate your answer


Discuss the ways in which outdoor recreation can help stimulate the local economy. Use suitable examples wherever necessary to illustrate your answer


Reference no: EM133936

Questions Cloud

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Explain the importance of outdoor recreation in child lives : Explain the importance of outdoor recreation in the lives of both children and seniors Discuss the benefits of outdoor recreation for the local community. Use local examples to support your answer
Explain good management practices : Explain how the provision of the following help to enhance the attractiveness of a recreational site 1) Proper planning and 2) Good management practices Use appropriate examples wherever necessary to illustrate your answer
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