Reference no: EM133526756
Case scenario:
My son, Hector, is 5 years old and recently has had a hard time in public places. He will try to run away from us when we are in the store, at the park, or in parking lots. This is very dangerous and makes us nervous. We have to hold his hand but sometimes he wiggles away. If we try and say, stay with us, he will laugh and run ahead. If we yell, "Stop!" he will stop but doesn't always come back. This is a little bit of progress compared to before where he would not even respond to "stop!" This happens several times a day so we have stopped taking him places as much as possible for safety reasons.
The other issue we are having with Hector is when we try to get out of the car to go anywhere he doesn't want to give up his toy trucks he is holding. Usually, we wouldn't mind if he brings them but they are huge and he can't take them into school. This event of taking the trucks away causes him to tantrum. He will scream, "mine!" try and hit, or push anyone away who tries to take them. This happens in school too if he has an activity he really likes. We are worried that this will continue to happen and he might not be able to stay in his current classroom anymore.
1. Identification of the target behavior and the operational definition of the target behavior.
2. Contingencies triggering (Discriminative Stimulus) and maintaining (Reinforcement) the target behavior.
3. Hypothesis of the probable function of the target behavior based upon the A-B-C data.
4. Explain a function-based behavior intervention plan.
5. Explain the implementation process and the rationale for the behavior intervention plan (BIP).
6. Identify the schedule of reinforcement for the BIP and provide a rationale for the selection of that schedule.
7. Identify the approaches that will be used to ensure generalization and maintenance of the desired behavior change.