Reference no: EM132792169
1. Please explain Freud's psychoanalytic theory (include his structures of personality concept).
2. Please explain the purpose of defense mechanisms according to Freud.
List and define/provide an example of each defense mechanism.
3. Please discuss Bandura's social cognitive theory (include his perspective of observational learning and self efficacy).
4. What is the difference between self-report personality tests and projective personality tests.
5. Please explain the following experiments:
Asch's experiment on conformity:
Milgram's experiment on obedience:
Stanford Prison Experiment
6. What is the different personality types. Which type fits your personality and why?
7. Discuss the following:
Self-fulfilling prophecy
Unconditional positive regard
Social Loafing
Reference - King, Laura (2014), The Science of Psychology: An Appreciative View (3rd ed.). New York McGraw-Hill.