Explain five most important technologic-social-mission

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Reference no: EM1394607

You are a health care administration informaticist at Adams University Hospital System in Burnside, KY. Three acute care centers, ten large primary care practices, home care unit, and continuing care community comprise AUHS. As teaching center, they also collaborate to give telehealth services nationally and internationally.

AUHS's Board has tasked executive officers (you and your team) to analyze current state of health information technology in corporation with goal of enhancing business model, patient safety and quality of care measurements, and meeting organizational mission and legislative and regulatory mandates for community they service through 2015.

Explain the five most important technologic, social, mission and legal elements required to meet Board's directive in memo to the Board.

Reference no: EM1394607

Questions Cloud

Describe the process of injury, inflammation and repair : Your child comes running inside the house crying after playing outside. To your horror you notice a rusty nail sticking out of their foot. Apparently they stepped on the nail.
Compare and contrast the pathognomic signs of cell death : If the cell cannot recover from injury, the damage is irreversible and cell death is the result. Define, compare and contrast the 3 pathognomic signs of cell death.
Weight of tootsie rolls during manufacture : Discuss the factors which might cause variation in the weight of Tootsie Rolls during manufacture.
Assume gases are at the same pressure and temperature : Assuming all gases are at the same pressure and temperature, how many liters of CO2 are formed from 15.0L of CO.
Explain five most important technologic-social-mission : Explain the five most important technologic, social, mission and legal elements required to meet Board's directive in memo to the Board.
Details regarding sample size : Operators are to answer telephone calls from customers in an average time of 0.1 minute or less, and either respond to or refer to the proper department within 0.5 minute.
Determine the v of a voltaic cell : Determine the V of a voltaic cell (E°cell) if it is required to do 5.43 × 10¯3 Kilo Joule of work when a charge of 2.50 C is transmitted.
Study of coffee consumption among male and female : The following data were collected as part of a study of coffee consumption among male and female undergraduate students. The following reflects cups per day consumed:
Content for sample of farm-raised trout : Seventy million pounds of trout are grown in the U.S. every year. Farm-raised trout contain an average of 32 grams of fat per pound, with a standard deviation of 7 grams of fat per pound.


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