Explain ethical framework of divine command theory

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Reference no: EM133485013


1. According to chapter 1 of Lewis Vaughn's Beginning Ethics, what is at stake when we are forced to "do ethics"? When can it be said that our moral beliefs are not really our own? And what is the unfortunate result of accepting moral beliefs without questioning them?

2. Explain the ethical framework of Divine Command Theory. According to Euthyphro, is Plato (through his mouthpiece Socrates) a supporter or detractor of Divine Command Theory? Point out a specific portion(s) of the text that lead you to this conclusion? How does Plato / Socrates seem to define "piety"? Do you agree with this definition? Why or why not? And do you agree with the argument that piety is "that which is dear to (all) gods"? Why or why not?

3. What is Socratic irony, and how does it function in Euthyphro? Provide several specific examples from Euthyphro in which Socratic irony is evident. Why might the ability to recognize irony be valuable when doing philosophical ethics? For example, might it help a philosopher recognize nuances or shades of grey in ethical dilemmas? Does the presence of irony challenge the belief that ethics are usually black and white? Why or why not?

- Do you find the theory of moral relativism logically coherent? In approximately one paragraph, offer a brief philosophical argument for or against it. Insofar as you are able, make your logical connections clear, clean, and convincing.

- Regarding the child sex abuse scandal in the Roman Catholic Church: Did the attitude of moral absolutism make the Church more moral, or less? Has the hypocrisy of its adherents discredited its stance on moral absolutism, as popular culture often seems to suggest (explicitly or implicitly)? Did the Church's idea that it was the voice of moral absolutes paradoxically give some of its leaders a sense of arrogant superiority over the moral concerns of the laity?

Reference no: EM133485013

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