Explain equipment pricing and implementation costs

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM131390968

Network Security

Your company, Security Consultants Incorporated has been engaged to perform a perimeter assessment and submit a proposal for remediation.

The perimeter assessment / current state is included as "Case 1 - Network Design".

Your proposal should include:

• Cover page
• Brief overview (two paragraph max) of the problem or current state.
• Proposed Network design - Diagram
• Proposed Design description and reasoning - one page
• Implementation approach - one page
• Equipment pricing and implementation costs - one page
• References

The paper should be double spaced and 12pt. font. This does not include a cover or reference page.

Attachment:- Case_1_network_design.pdf

Reference no: EM131390968

Questions Cloud

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Explain equipment pricing and implementation costs : The perimeter assessment / current state is included as "Case 1 - Network Design". Explain Equipment pricing and implementation costs.
Read biblical leprosy-shedding light on the disease : Read Biblical Leprosy: Shedding Light on the Disease that Shuns, an article by Dr. Allen Gillen.
Explain does the district court have jurisdiction : NEPCO brought suit in a U.S. district court against the Libyan government and NOC, alleging breach of contract. Does the district court have jurisdiction? Explain.
How effective is an anonymous memo : When pointing out safety problems, an engineer is rightfully concerned about maintaining his job. However, how effective is an anonymous memo? Can anyone be expected to pay attention to something that a person won't sign?
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