Explain emotional intelligence

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Reference no: EM131990518

Leadership and Management Assignment - Develop and use emotional intelligence

Assessment 1: Written Questions

This assessment consists of six (6) short to medium answer questions to assess the student's knowledge of Develop and use emotional intelligence.

Q1. Explain emotional intelligence and outline the principles of self-regulation and self-awareness? (100-150 words)

Q2. Describe the relationship between emotionally effective leaders and their ability le to inspire workers to attain business objectives? Provide at least three reasons. (100-150 words)

Q3. Explain how to communicate with a diverse workforce which has varying cultural expressions, by taking into account display rules Provide at least three examples of the different ways emotions are displayed in other cultures and explain how that might affect the way you would interact with them. (150-200 words)

Q4. Explain the use of emotional intelligence in the context of building workplace relationships by managing stress/ conflict. (200-300 words)

Q.5. a. How would you develop awareness of your own emotional triggers and use this awareness to enable control emotional responses? You can use example from your daily life to explain your answer on how to control emotional responses. (200-300 words)

b. To what extent do you agree that using self-reflection and feedback from others can help you improve development of your own emotional intelligence? (75-100 words)

Q.6. List down examples of any three Generic emotional cues.

Assessment 2: Holistic Assessment


TASK 1 - You are applying for a job as a departmental manager in an office setting. The organisation has made it clear that having a high level of emotional intelligence will be a deciding factor in selecting the successful candidate.

You have been asked to submit a document that addresses the following points:

1. What are your emotional strengths and weaknesses?

2. What are personal causes of stress in your work life and how do you deal with them?

3. What are your emotional triggers and how have you learnt to manage them?

4. What would you do to act as a role model to workers in your department in the management of emotions?

5. Are you open to feedback from others in relation to your El? How would you go about getting and using it? .

6. How does self-reflection factor into the continual development of your El?

7. How would you respond to a worker who is:

a. Extremely angry?

b. Extremely stressed?

c. Extremely upset?

8. How much knowledge do you have about the cultural expressions of emotions? How would you use that knowledge?

9. How would you adapt your leadership style to workers experiencing different emotions?

10. How would you factor the emotions of workers into decisions that you make?

11. How would you provide opportunities for workers to express their feelings and emotions?

12. How would you make workers aware of how their emotions and behaviours affect others and how would you encourage them to manage their emotions?

13. What would you do to encourage others to develop their EI?

14. What would you do to create a positive emotional climate in your department?

15. How would you use the strengths of workers to achieve workplace outcomes?

You are required to provide a detailed response (at least half a typed, single space page) for each point listed and to use examples to support your responses wherever possible.

You are expected to use the information provided in this unit, however, you will also need to demonstrate that you have carried out your own research. Remember to properly cite any sources that you use.

TASK 2 - Presentation Task

Prepare a 10-15 minute presentation on you above project and submit your power point slides to your trainer prior to your presentation day.

You are required to provide a detailed response (at least half a typed, single space page) for each point listed and to use examples to support your responses wherever possible.

You are expected to use the information provided in this unit, however, you will also need to demonstrate that you have carried out your own research. Remember to properly cite any sources that you use.

Assessment 3:  Applied Questions

This assessment consists of ten (10) short to medium answer based questions to assess the student's knowledge of Develop and use emotional intelligence.

1. Make a list of at least three of your emotional strengths. Choose one strength and explain why it is important for leaders to have competence in that area. (50-75 words)

2. Think about the best leader you have met at work or in your personal life. What EI strengths gave them the ability to lead others successfully? Provide at least five examples.

3. Make a list of at least five stressors in your personal life and five stressors in your work life.

4. Go back through your list of stressors and mark an E for each item you can eliminate, an R for each stressor you can reduce the strength of, and a C for each item you can learn to cope with.

5. For the stressor marked with an E or an R, record any ideas you have on how to eliminate or reduce them in a short sentence.

6. Make a list of at least three of your emotional triggers.

a. Choose one of those triggers and outline how you responded emotionally when that trigger has arisen in the past. (40-60 words)

b. Why do you think the trigger set off this emotional response? (40-60 words)

c. What would a more constructive emotional response have been? (40-60 words)

7. Your natural leadership style is quite coercive. You are faced with an employee who is talented but has been underperforming. You are self-aware enough to realise that you might have demoralised them as a result of your leadership. How could you demonstrate flexibility and adaptability in your leadership style? (40-75 words).

8. a. You think that an employee is experiencing some negative thoughts and emotions as a result of another team member who has acted quite aggressively towards them. You have stressed that you have an open door policy and that you are interested in hearing about any issues workers might be experiencing. The employee has not made use of such opportunities to express their thoughts and feelings. What would you do? (40-75 words).

b. An employee has taken up an opportunity to talk to their leader about their thoughts and feelings. The leader listens to them and tells them that they will keep what they have said confidential. The next day the employee overhears the leader talking and laughing about what they told them. What effect would this have? (40-75 words).

9. a. A worker has encountered a problem. They are required to write a report but they do not understand some of the data that has been provided. They are unsure of how to overcome this problem and, as a result of the stress they are experiencing become quite emotional.

What would happen in an instance such as this in a workplace where there is a positive emotional climate? Provide at least three examples. (100-150 words)

b. Identify at least three of your strengths and explain how they might be used to achieve workplace outcomes. (50-100 words)

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There are several tasks in this assignment in relation to emotional intelligence. first task is to answer questions of emotional intelligence as a person who is eligible to get hired as a department manager. the second task in a brief presentation on the task one. third task answers few questions related to practical application of emotional intelligence and its development in various scenarios in the workplace as well as personal life.

Reference no: EM131990518

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5/21/2018 3:28:35 AM

Submitting Assessments - Each part of this assessment booklet needs to be carefully completed and you are required to attain a ‘satisfactory’ mark for each of the assessment activities. Full details of what is required have been detailed in instructions before each assessment task. You must submit assessment tasks with the cover sheet provided at the end of this Booklet. You must attach one cover sheet per assessment upon submission, ticking the relevant assessment box. Ensure you sign the form after completion. Assessments should be submitted on or before their due date. Extensions for individual assessment tasks may be negotiated in specific circumstances. Consultation on this must occur prior to the due date and extensions due to illness will require a medical certificate. Extensions will be confirmed to you in writing.


5/21/2018 3:28:26 AM

ASSESSMENT OUTCOMES - The evidence you submit will be assessed and you will be given written feedback. Each assessment task will be marked as either Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory and once all assessments have been marked you will be given an outcome of Competent or Not Competent for the unit of competence. Upon demonstrating competence, you will be awarded this unit. If you are assessed as Not Competent, you will be given some suggestions for improvement and asked to redo your assessment.


5/21/2018 3:28:17 AM

There are three (3) forms of assessment or evidence gathering methods for this unit of competency. You are required to complete and submit all the assessments. Assessment 1. Written Questions - This assessment consists of six (6) short to medium answer questions to assess your knowledge of this unit. You must answer all questions. Most questions require short answers although some questions require a more detailed response. You should provide typed responses. You may use various sources of information including: text books, learning workbooks, other documents and the internet and must list your sources.


5/21/2018 3:28:10 AM

Assessment 2. Holistic Assessment - This Assessment gives students a chance to apply the principles learnt in the course to develop a project for a job requiring high level of emotional intelligence. Students have to answer fifteen (15) questions concerning this scenario by applying knowledge governing all the performance criteria, performance evidence and knowledge evidence of this unit. As such, this is a holistic assessment satisfying majority of the assessment requirements of this unit. Students must record their answers in a separate A4 document and submit by attaching to their cover page. Assessment 3. Applied Questions- This assessment is designed to test the various criteria, set out under performance element, performance evidence and knowledge evidence of this unit. Based on the given information and scenarios, students are required to answer some ten (10) questions.


5/21/2018 3:28:03 AM

The last week to submit all the assesssments is the week ending 27/11/2017 (First week of the new unit). Assessment 1: Written Questions - Instructions for Students - Students must answer all questions. Most questions require short answers although some questions require a more detailed response. Students may use various sources of information including: text books, learning workbooks, other documents and the internet and they must list their sources.


5/21/2018 3:27:56 AM

Assessment 2: Holistic Assessment - Student Instructions - This is an individual assignment. Your assessor will be marking you against a competency checklist to ensure you have met the requirements of each of the relevant competencies. You will be informed should you be deemed not yet competent by your assessor and require re-assessment. If you feel the decision made by your assessor was in fact incorrect please refer to your student handbook for information on the assessment appeals process and the steps you are required to undertake. Maximum word limit is: 2000 words. Assessment 3: Applied Questions - Instructions for Students - Students must answer all questions. Most questions require short answers although some questions require a more detailed response. Students may use various sources of information including: text books, learning workbooks, other documents and the internet and they must list their sources.


5/21/2018 3:27:50 AM

To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the individual must : explain emotional intelligence principles and strategies, describe the relationship between emotionally effective people and the attainment of business objectives, explain how to communicate with a diverse workforce which has varying cultural expressions of emotion, explain the use of emotional intelligence in the context of building workplace relationships.

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