Reference no: EM131596804
Students are required to write a 1200 word report on the task and mega environment of an organisation of their choice. In doing so, students should:
*Define each of the task and mega elements
*Explain each of the task and mega elements
*Provide examples of how the task and mega elements apply to the organisation of your choice
Written Submission Guide?Format: Cover page, appearance, layout and length. Students are to follow a Report Style with headings or sub-headings.
Reference: Correct referencing method is followed
Grammar : Written English, grammar, syntax, spelling
Content : Demonstration of an understanding of the topic, has a good grasp of the issues related to the question and has contributed individual thought. There should be a clear and in-depth consideration with valid points given.
Minimum referencing requirement met (3 scholarly references) plus 2 other sources in reference list with matching in text citations.
Must follow the rules listed below:
• Typed with 1.5 spacing
Page 6 of 17
• 12 pt font (Arial) ?
• Leave a margin of 2.5 cm around all four sides of the page ?
• Pages to be numbered clearly ?
• Use correct paragraphing with a double space between paragraphs ?
• To be presented in a Report Format ?
• Cover page to be included. This can be downloaded from the Moodle ?
• Referencing method - follow Chicago Referencing Method
Students are expected to adhere to the following report format:
Cover Page
Executive Summary
Contents Page
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Task environment
. 2.1 Customers ?
. 2.2 Competitors ?
. 2.3 Suppliers ?
. 2.4 Labour supply ?
. 2.5 Government agencies
3.0 Mega environment
. 3.1 Political/legal ?
. 3.2 Economic ?
. 3.3 Sociocultural ?
. 3.4 Technological ?
. 3.5 International
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Recommendations
Reference list.