Explain each media example and provide context

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Reference no: EM133693377


The content of our course is readily applicable to our real world and our everyday lives. Throughout the quarter, you will see me:

A. Applying the course content to understanding real world issues, and
B. Using media examples to illustrate different concepts and examples.

In the apply it homework, you will be asked to do the same!

In this homework your goal is to present information in a succinct, creative, and interesting manner (e.g., presentations, Ted-ed videos, animations, podcasts, interviews, etc). Please note this homework is not about your ability to search for videos on google. You must come up with original examples and not simply the ones you get from searching the concept.

Respecting students' different learning styles and interests, I am allowing you the flexibility to choose any one of these apply it homeworks. You are further encouraged (but not required) to work in pairs or in groups on these homeworks. Please check the course schedule for due dates.


Pick one course concept/theory and teach it in your own way to someone who has no background knowledge about communication phenomenon (e.g., parents, grandparents, friends not in class, imaginary audience). You are free to choose the medium through which you would like to teach (using slides, infographic, animated creation, video, podcast, etc.).

The different homework components and the associated points are described in detail below. The approximate length for each section is given if you were using slides but please remember that you are free to choose whatever format you'd like to teach in. Slides are mentioned simply for reference.


I. First, give a brief explanation of the relevant course concept in your own words. Be sure to explain the concept clearly as if you are teaching it to someone who has no background knowledge in communication, going beyond the definition and book explanation (1-2 slides).

II. Second, explain each media example and provide context for what is happening. We may not be very familiar with the media example you choose so provide a bit of background information so that we can understand it (2-3 slides).

III. Third, specifically relate the media examples to the concept described in your first paragraph. Convince the audience why these are good or different examples of the concept you are describing and how different parts of the concept/theory are depicted in the media example. What are the similarities or differences between the examples and how they relate to the concept/theory? (2-3 slides).

IV. Presentation style, clarity, grammar, writing. Please note that any spelling/grammar issues will automatically make you lose a point. Further, students who spend time creating professional, creative, and innovative presentations will be allocated higher points.

Reference no: EM133693377

Questions Cloud

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Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the two approach : Data-driven Decision Making and Forecasting - create a Word document with the answers to questions. At the end of class, submit your Word file via MyKBS
Is believing in god evolutionarily advantageous : Are world religions simply social experiments run amok, or is there something more to supernatural beliefs that this study quantifies?
Explain each media example and provide context : explain each media example and provide context for what is happening.
Clinical course of pulmonary hypertension : What is the sequence of events that occur during the clinical course of pulmonary hypertension? Severe respiratory distress, left ventricular hypertrophy
Does this bible verse align with the psychoanalytic tenets : In your opinion, does this Bible verse align with the psychoanalytic tenets? If so, how, and if not, why not?
Fitting and evaluating arima and var time series models : Fitting and evaluating ARIMA and VAR time series models, Fit SARIMA models to the two time series and provide plots of the time series and predictions
How books of bible fulfilled this need for the israelites : For example, in much the same way that some of our popular songs have given expression to a wide range of human emotions-joy, anger, pride, fear, hope.


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