Explain each customer segments specific wants and needs

Assignment Help Marketing Management
Reference no: EM131463776

Assignment: Market Position Analysis

Throughout this course, you will conduct a strategy audit for a selected company. Begin this assignment by selecting an organization for your course project activities.

In this module, you will assess the product portfolio of your selected business unit by analyzing the value proposition, market position, and competitive advantage of its products and services.

Part I: Interview

To gain an understanding of your selected business unit's market position, value proposition, and competitive advantage, conduct at least one interview with a mid-level or senior manager.

Use the interview to solicit the manager's perception of his or her business unit's product portfolio. Be sure to discuss the points of analysis listed below in Part II of this assignment.

Part II: Analysis

Based on the information gathered from the interview, analyze the product portfolio of your selected business unit. In your analysis, identify the business unit of your company and the product(s) and service(s) on which you will focus.

Make sure to include the following points in your analysis:

• Describe the target customer for the product/service in terms of relevant characteristics that impact the marketing strategy, including location (how it should be reached) and buying habits.

• Identify each customer segment's specific wants and needs. Explain why they buy your company's product or service, or a competing product or service.

• Justify how well your product/service satisfies customer wants and needs. Identify any wants and needs that are not met by your product/service.

• Analyze the position of your product/service in relation to the competition. Identify the main competitors. Explain how your product differs in terms of features, function, quality, price, availability, brand image, and the like. Explain why this differentiation is important to your customers.

• Describe the source of competitive advantage for your product. Evaluate how sustainable is this source of advantage.

• Assess the long-term sustainability of the source of differentiation and competitive advantage.

Include appropriate information from the interview in support of your answer.

Part III: Matrix

In comparing your product/service to that of the competition, construct a simple matrix in the following way:

• List the key customer wants or needs on the left-hand vertical axis.
• List the competing products on the top horizontal axis, starting with your product/service on the left.
• For each customer want or need, indicate how well each competing product satisfies the need using a scale of 0-2.

o 0 = need not met
o 1 = need partially met
o 2 = need fully met

This is a simple but effective visual mechanism for comparing the relative position of multiple offerings from competing sources.

Write a 3-page paper in Word format and attach the matrix as an appendix.

Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

Reference no: EM131463776

Questions Cloud

What policies can a company establish to remedy : PCs and the Productivity Paradox*-despite the riotous instability of stock prices lately, some prognosticators are advising us not to worry.
Describe the critical service areas of customers : Telsol, a telecommunications company, faces new competition in the local telephone service industry due to deregulation. The company operated as a monopoly.
Analyze the opportunities and threats of jp : Analyze the opportunities and threats of JP, how your firm, based on its resources, can determine business opportunities as a result of external environments.
How are patients prepared for nuclear medicine procedures : What type of radiation is typically exploited in most nuclear medicine procedures? How are patients prepared for nuclear medicine procedures?
Explain each customer segments specific wants and needs : Identify each customer segment's specific wants and needs. Explain why they buy your company's product or service, or a competing product or service.
Define the applications of crm software : Customer relationship management (CRM) has emerged as one of the hottest applications in business software. It has been defined as a horizontal business.
What are the factors that are key for establishing product : What are factor that are key for establishing product differentiation in new postrecession consumer environment especially as it relates to economic indicators?
Identify a minimum of three different natural phenomena : What parts of the world are potentially affected by these phenomena? Specifically identify the countries.
Difference between design or redesign and automation : In most improvement programs, top-management commitment is emphasized as a key success factor. Why do you think this is? Is the role of top management.


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