Explain difference between good and service in sale contract

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM133553360

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The two primary areas of law that govern contracts are the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) and the common law. While the UCC covers several different business transactions, the focus of this assignment will be the sale of goods which is governed by Article 2. The common law covers transactions of items which are not goods, so it relates to a major portion of the economy - namely, services.

Review the resources and then address the following:

Question A. Explain the difference between a good and service in sales contracts.

Question B. Discuss why it is easier to form a contract under the UCC than common law.

Question C. Describe how a merchant is defined under the UCC. Why can this be an important concept in the sale of goods?

Question D. Explain which law will govern a disputed contract if it involves both the sale of goods as well as an agreement to have services performed.

Question E. Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of having the UCC govern sales contracts.

Reference no: EM133553360

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