Reference no: EM132198582 , Length: 850 Words
Assignment - Nursing and Policy It asks you to imagine you are working as a community health nurse. You have worked for 7 years and want to increase your political involvement. You have been following legislation on changing childhood immunizations required for school entry. You plan to meet their elected rep to discuss. You need to view the website on legislation information and public health. Must include: 2-3 ways to be politically active, current legislation on childhood immunization, what legislation, if any, needs to be changed related to this - with justification, how would a change effect your nursing practice, Fed/state/or local legislation, what action are you taking by meeting your rep & 2-3 reasons it is beneficial. APA, Title page, Ref page, Intro/conclusion, headings, 3 Prof ref-5yrs or newer.
1. Refer to the following website for legislation information (go to cite and look for the term "legislate" at top of page) The Network of Care for Public Health Assessment and Wellness.
2. After you have read the required readings, viewed the tutorial, and read the APHN article (in the required reading section), create a word document that addresses the following political aspects:
a) Describe 2-3 ways you can become politically active based on readings from the literature.
b) Explain the current legislation related to childhood immunization.
c) What legislation related to childhood immunization, if any, do you feel needs to be changed? Justify your answer with support from the literature.
d) Describe how your suggested change or the current legislation could/could not impact your nursing practice.
e) Would this be a federal, state, or local legislation? Why?
f) What action are you taking by meeting your elected representative (e.g. advocacy, lobbying, etc.)? Identify 2-3 reasons why meeting an elected official is beneficial.
Assignment Guidelines:
The paper should:
• Be written in APA style format; neatly typed and without errors in a word document. Write in the present tense throughout the paper.
• Contain a Title Page and Reference Page.
• Include subheadings that based on the main points of the paper and the conclusion. A conclusion summarizes the major points discussed in the body of the paper. (the introduction should NOT have a subheading).
• Include a minimum of 3 references including the websites used to obtain the data. (Wikipedia is not a professional reference). One of the references may be a textbook. Professional refereed journal articles no older than 5 years should be used for references. Professional organizations are acceptable. Use correct APA format for citations and reference page