Explain criminal investigation in brief

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM132293639

Question: Need 1500-1700 words double spaced paper, written in APA format, showing sources and a bibliography including with power point presentation at least 15- 20 slides

The description for need is below

Explain criminal investigation which involves digital forensics topics, choose nearly 5 topics from below, which are used in the criminal investigation.

The topics in digital forensics you can choose are

1. Internet web address

2. Web browsers

3. Web servers

4. Proxy servers

5. Proactive collection of evidence

6. Post-incident collection

7. Router and switch forensics

8. File identification

9. Understanding metadata

10. Mining the temporary files

11. Identifying alternate hiding places of data

12. Data carving

13. Order of volatility

14. Memory and running processes

15. Acquiring Media

16. What makes evidence admissible

17. Keeping evidence authentic

After choosing 5 topics , explain and narrate clearly how those five topics are useful in the criminal investigation while the time of investigating.

Reference no: EM132293639

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