Explain concept by applying it to young girls experiences

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Reference no: EM132586841 , Length: 2200 Words

Assignment - These are 8 responses 225 words each. Do a critical 225-word analysis per quote. There are 8 quotes/questions in total.

When analyzing the quotes please use material and references from LECTURES AND READINGS ONLY! PLEASE DO NOT USE ANY OUTSIDE SOURCES.

For example the first quote please reference the lecture regarding periods and all the readings for that lecture.

Attached is a document named "Readings and lecture" that names all the required readings per lecture this will help you to understand which reading and lecture is required to answer a certain analysis of a quote.

Responses -

1. Feminist writers have theorized that cultural constructions of menstruation indicate that "the aim is to contain the monstrous feminine." Explain this concept by applying it to young girls' experiences of menstruation.

2. In the documentary Period. End of Sentence. One of the women who help in the creation of menstrual pads stated that "we had our reasons behind the name Fly." Explain the dual meaning of this company name and its overall significance to the issue of menstruation in India.

3. In his book Teenage, Matt Wolf argues that teen films represent "a space in which adults are trying to control youth and protect them because they represent the future, and young people are pushing back, trying to create their world on their terms [...] Out of that generation gap and that conflict comes to the innovative things that we call youth culture." (Matt Wolf, Teenage). Apply the ideas behind this statement to the themes found in teen films - use a specific film discussed in class to connect the ideas.

4. Jenkins suggests that "one could argue that such overt displays of girl-girl sexual encounters are one of the most apparent merits that these teen films can provide a lesbian spectator, especially because these audience members are presently unable to view similar scenes in any other mainstream form[s]" (p.501). Using evidence, work to prove or disprove this statement.

5. In the Girls & Sex lecture, we discussed the following statement from Judith Williamson: "the development of 'lad culture,' with its emphasis on male hedonism and female exhibitionism, and its 'tongue-in-cheek' sexist and anti-feminist comments, looks 'sexy' but is only 'sexism with an alibi'" (cited in Atwood 2006, p.83). Explain this quotation as it relates to the concepts of choice and empowerment.

6. Pershing and Gablehouse argue that in the film Enchanted, Giselle is simultaneously "innocent yet sexualized" (p.149). Apply this same idea to the young women showcased in the documentary Virgin Daughters.

7. "Disney does more than provide entertainment; it also shapes in compelling ways how young people understand themselves, relate to others, and experience the larger society" (Giroux). With reference to this quote, do you believe Disney shapes young people in positive or negative ways? Can it be both? Use evidence from the lecture to support your argument.

8. "Art is special because of its ability to influence feelings as well as knowledge [...] Black people were able to create with their music an aesthetic community of resistance, which in turn encouraged and nurtured a political community of active struggle for freedom" (Angela Davis 1989). Apply this quote to Beyoncé's music video Formation.

Attachment:- Critical Responses Assignment File.rar

Reference no: EM132586841

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