Explain components in styrofoam

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Reference no: EM133223909

Here is the scenario:

You work for a company that manufactures products. Your company receives a lot of components for the products you make. These products are shipped to you from other places that pack the components in styrofoam so that are not damaged during shipping.

You were asked to work with a group that is tasked with finding a creative way to dispose, reuse, repurpose or destroy styrofoam which is overwhelming your shipping warehouse.

Here are some of the confines and information that might impact your decision:

1. Styrofoam Information:

Styrofoam Information

Reasons to ban Styrofoam (Read just for the information)

3. Your area does not allow you to put it in the trash, recycling bin or dispose of it.

4. You will try to use one of the CPS Models. My preference is the Isaksen, Dorval and Treffingers more comprehensive model. This model stats by asking you Understanding the Challenge which includes Constructing Opportunities, Exploring Data and Framing the Problems.

5. Next you will use week 3 materials to generate ideas which will help you prepare for action. Please wait to do these steps as you will be learning a lot of idea generating tools, methods and techniques that might be useful. It will also give you some practice working with a group to try some of these out.

6. The discussion group is setup so that you can work within your groups to begin this process.

7. Once you have worked with your group to try the approach and some tools and techniques you will be asked to asked to post information about your solutions, model, the techniques you tried in a discussion group that is seen by everyone in class. These will be posted here: Creative Problem Solving Group Discussion Final Project

Please note: Feel free to use whatever means of communication you feel will help you in the project.

Jamboards, google docs, shared slides are sometimes very useful in accomplishing what you want so use the lockers or discussion boards to share the link. Be sure to set the share setting so that anyone with the link has access.

Reference no: EM133223909

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