Reference no: EM132930197
Business Questions, Can I get a business tutor to solve the following problems
1. The high court can remove an arbitrator where he has misconducted himself. Explain three ways in which the misconduct by an arbitrator might arise.
2. Natural justice is the rule against bias and right to a fair hearing and its duty act fairly. With reference to the principle of natural justice, highlight eight rights of an accused person in criminal proceedings.
3. In its supervisory jurisdiction and civil jurisdiction, the high court can grant remedies that ensure the enjoyment of fundamental rights by individuals. Identify five remedies that may be granted by the high court to enforce the enjoyment of fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens.
4. The judiciary is the arm of government that is concerned with the application of the law in adjudicating over legal disputes. Explain five function of judiciary.
5. In relation to administrative law, explain five remedies which the high court might award a party whose fundamental rights and freedoms have been infringed upon.
6. With specific reference to the court structure in your country: outline two qualifications that a person must possess in order to qualify for appointment as a judge of superior court.
7. A party making an application to the high court to set aside an arbitral award must furnish proof of certain matters. With reference to the above statement, describe the proof that the party must furnish.
8. In relation to the court system structure in your country, state five superior courts and explain the composition and jurisdiction of the khadi's court.
9. With reference to settlement of disputes through commercial arbitration, summarize the form and information that should be contained in the arbitral award.
10. Damages are a common law remedy awarded in tort and are intended as a compensation for a plaintiff's loss? In relation to the above statement, describe five categories of damages available to a plaintiff.