Explain communication of roles and goals

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133186515

Read both paragraphs and they are different paragraphs and please go beyond agreeing or disagreeing in you point of view. write the reviews for both the paragraphs individually .

Paragraph 1: I think to start companies need to look at the significant of these tasks and people issues. I would think that keeping the people happy would be the first-choice weather that be employees or customers. Employees usually work out their problems with the HR department so that it doesn't get involved with their work. Customers have a little bit different way and that is a customer service team. Some companies don't have customer service teams which surprises me. With customer being the way, these companies create revenue you would think that they want to make them as happy as possible.

Now, a way for tasks needs to be handled is the same as the people. Need to analyze the significant of the task. Does this task need to be handle as soon as possible or can we put it on the back burner while we handle something a little bit more important.

Giving priority to both tasks and people issue will be a hard to handle, I think that the best way for a company to do that is separate that department into teams. Have a set few people handling the tasks and a few handlings the people issues. If one of the teams aren't busy, then they can help the other. With this technique said people will get really good at what they do and be able to handle people issues rather quickly which will overall increase production within the company.

Paragraph 2: What is priority management, and how does it work?

Priorities management is the process of allocating time and resources to work, projects, and tasks that have a significant impact on high-value projects, accounts, and long-term objectives.

During the execution of a strategy, every organization must consider both task and people, as both are the company's top priorities without which it will be unable to execute efficiently.

Task and people-related concerns should be addressed in tandem so that nothing is overlooked and both parts work together to achieve the intended outcomes. A corporation should develop effective goals and identify a clear path to reach those goals, which will help employees understand what needs to be done and how to do it in a disciplined manner.

Employees are motivated to attain that well stated vision as a result of these efforts. Schedules and deadlines should be created to finish the vital task by encouraging pleasant and productive contact between groups and team members, making them feel like they have a say in how the organization takes decisions.

To successfully complete the crucial activity, clear communication of roles and goals is required, since efficient communication is the key to maintaining teamwork.

Prioritization can be given to both tasks and people in the firm using all of these strategies.

Reference no: EM133186515

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