Explain cartoonist is trying to convey with his-her cartoon

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133289220


Look through three different newspapers (Globe and Mail or National Post, The Toronto Sun, and The Toronto Star) and answer this analysis.

1) Examine the front page of each of the newspapers.

What is the major news story on each?

Make a sketch of the 3 front pages. Identify areas occupied by...

i) Photos

ii) News

iii) Headings directories

3. What proportion does each represent on this page?

2) What are the sources of each newspaper...

  • Local stories
  • Canadian stories
  • Global stories

3) Find as many sources as possible. Indicate which of the sources are most common.

4) Choose a World Issue news item that appears in all three papers.

  • Where is it located in all papers?
  • Which of the articles has the most effective headline? Why?
  • What differences in reporting can you detect between the three stories?
  • Why might these differences occur?

5) Examine the editorials in all three papers.

a. What is the lead editorial in each paper?

b. What other editorials does each paper contain?

c. Choose one of these editorials.

i) What is the point of view of the author?

ii) List the facts he/she uses to bolster their argument.

6) Choose a political cartoon from one of the papers.

  • Explain what the cartoonist is trying to convey with his/her cartoon.
  • Do you feel the cartoon is effective in getting this point of view across to the readers? Explain.

7) After reading through each of the newspapers it is evident that each is written for a specific target audience.

  • Decide which target audience each paper is written for. Explain and give support to your answers.
  • Which newspaper would you read? Explain your selection.

Provide sources for the news papers.

Reference no: EM133289220

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