Reference no: EM133714053
Marketing Communication
Assignment Brief
The assessment has been designed to test the achievement of the module's learning outcomes and it requires students to think critically and apply the knowledge gained during the module.
*Note: Word count excludes numerical tables, appendices, bibliography and references
Assessment of marketing communications campaign of one product/ service offering/event that has been promoted in one country from 2020 onwards.
You are required to analyse and evaluate the effectiveness of marketing communication elements, tools and media channels deployed for the promotion of one product or service offering or event in one country. You also need to determine the uses, benefits and drawbacks of the marketing communications tools and media channels in developing integrated marketing communication campaigns.
Question 1. Choose marketing communications campaign of one product/ service offering/event that has been promoted in one country from 2020 onwards.
Please first make sure that you refer to your chosen company's product/brand portfolio, different product categories/sub-categories and then choose one product/service offering/event that has been promoted in one country from 2020 onwards.You are advised to choose a product or service offering with which you are reasonably familiar with and have access to relevant information.
Question 2. Provide background information of marketing communications campaign of your chosen product/service offering/event in one country
Explain the campaign rationale in relation to the key problems and challenges of the product/service offering/eventin one country and the solutions proposed in terms of campaign objectives, target groups and creative idea. Discuss how consumer insight assisted the development of the campaign.
Discuss the alignment of the marketing communications campaign of the product or service offering or event to the company's business strategy.
Deconstruct the overall campaign message and the way in which the message was encoded. Explain if it could be improved and if so how?
Question 3. Analysis and evaluation of promotional mixesand media channels for the promotion of product/service offering in one country
Evaluate the role of at least 2 to 3 marketing communications tools(e.g., advertising, public relations, sponsorship, sales promotion, personal selling, exhibitions and trade fairs, etc.)used for the product/ service offering promotion in one country.
Evaluate the appropriateness of the objectives of each marketing communications tool. You may apply the ‘SMART' principle in assessing the campaign objectives for each marketing communications tool. Would you have set different objectives for the marketing communication tools? What, if any, could have been good alternatives? Why?
For each marketing communications tool, identify specific sub-target groups within your main target groups)and whether the correct sub-target groupshave been chosen. Would you have targeted different sub-target group and if so, identify potential sub-target group for each marketing communications tool.
Evaluate and critique the media channels deployed for the campaign including traditional, digital and social media channels.You may present the promotion mix and media channel choice by form (e.g., promotion tool- advertising, media - broadcast, channel-TV and vehicle - X Factor in iTV).
Explain the extent to which the campaign was well integrated, consistent and synergistic. Could other promotion tools and media channels have been used, or the same promotion tools and media channels in a different way? Which ones and how?
Question 4. Evaluation of campaign outcomes
Discuss the extent to which the campaign was successful in achieving campaign objectives. Explain whether the campaign engaged all the target groups of the campaign, and the key messagewas well understood and appreciated.
Question 5. Follow-up campaign
Suppose you were responsible for a follow-up campaign to be launched in July 2024. What changes would you make compared with the previous campaign and why?