Explain briefly the business cycle

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Reference no: EM133274019

Please explain briefly the business cycle and show the impacts of COVID19.(Answer one paragraph no more than 10 lines) Discussion: Putting AD and SRAS Together: Short-Run Equilibrium Using aggregate demand (AD) and short-run aggregate supply (SRAS) analysis, discuss a real-world example of a change in AD or SRAS that caused Real GDP and the price level to change. Be sure to describe whether your example represents a shift in AD or SRAS and include the direction of that shift (for example, AD shifted to the left). Answers will vary. Example: When the COVID 19 pandemic occurred in 2020, the production of many goods and services was delayed or halted as world leaders imposed measures to stop the spread of the virus. Many workers were not allowed to go to work, and businesses were temporarily shut down. In the U.S., the result was a leftward shift of the SRAS curve causing Real GDP to fall and the price level to rise.

Reference no: EM133274019

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