Explain brief summary of hunger games

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM13757956 , Length: word count:1000

For this essay, you will choose one of the works we discussed (Hunger games) (or something else by one of the writers we have read and write a literary analysis on the work. Choose a few literary elements to focus on. You may choose from either novel or from any of the short fiction works we have read.

Literary Analysis

Much like a review, you will include a very brief summary of hunger games(unlike the review) you will do what is called a "targeted" summary. In a targeted summary, you only focus on summary that relates to the point you are trying to make.

Introduction: Give brief background on the item being discussed. Whether discussing a character or plot device, make sure to just give us what we need (to avoid giving too much summary).

Body: Devote a paragraph to each discussion point. If you are changing focus even a bit, change paragraphs. For shorter fiction, you may look at style, tone, overall message, etc. For longer fiction, typically you want to look at things like plot, character (or focus a whole essay on a comparison of characters or how a character changes throughout the novel), or similar elements.

Conclusion: Give us your overall analysis without giving a bunch of new information. Restate your main points to tie everything together.

Formatting Guidelines for the Essay Assignment

You will be expected to format your paper using the following guidelines:

1. Use 12-point letter size in a standard-looking, professional font such as Times New Roman, Ariel, Calibri, or similar. (not script, angled, or italicized).

2. Double-space the body of the essay to make reading and writing comments easier.

3. Develop a meaningful, specific title. Do not bold, underline, or italicize, or make the title larger than the rest of the essay.

4. Include (double-spaced) name and class information. Please include all of these items: Your name, course number and instructor name, class time, due date, and assignment description. Below is an example of how this format looks.




Due Date

5. Essay should be 750-1000 words (roughly 3-5 pages)

6. If using any works not in the syllabus, please cite using MLA style. Please also include a works cited page for those works.

Reference no: EM13757956

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Write a Review

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