Explain both equity and expectancy theories

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133595257

Case Study

Assume you are the director of the city's Public Works Department. The city employs 1,500 employees of which 123 work in the Public Works Department. Employees across the city (as well as in your Department) represent different generations from employees just entering college to those preparing for retirement.

The city manager has asked you to provide input on the difference between equity and expectation theories to motivate employees as well as recommendations for work/life benefits the city should offer.

The city manager has asked you to email the information for review.

  1. Explain both equity and expectancy theories. Which do you feel is most important to understand when working to motivate city employees? Provide support for your answer.
  2. Identify and explain four work/life benefits the city should offer. Identify which groups of employees might be interested in each benefit and explain why you selected the benefit.

Reference no: EM133595257

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