Reference no: EM1326138
Explain Bank Bailouts Unethical or Ethical Issues
I will be doing my week 3 paper on Bank of America and Citibank. They received government (taxpayer) bailout money and have been giving ceo bonuses, raises, using personal jets, etc. I have started the paper, but it needs more work and research. I still need to include the following:
A better history of how the problem started (with reference)
What are they doing now that is unethical (with reference)
Thank you for your help!!!!
A better history of how the problem started (with reference)
The article that clarifies this assignment is "Some bailout banks hold onto JET Perks." This was reported in the SF Gate by the associated press (AP) New York 11:42 am PDT time on June 19, 2009. Here is a quote from the article "A number of executives that received bailout money have continued to use corporate jets for personal use despite controversy over such perks, according to a report Friday."
The article goes on to question unethical procedures by Bank of America and Citibank. Other major finances were contacted for their policies but did not respond