Explain attribution theory using necessary citations

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Reference no: EM132188198

Decision-Making Paper

Our text suggests that objective reality is often significantly different from perceived reality and is an important variable to consider when making decisions within an organization. In addition, attribution theory describes how people create the explanations for their own and others' actions, as well as the outcomes of the applied behaviors.

Based on these two premises, consider the following and then, formulate an analysis about how attribution theory and bias (according to chapter 8 in our text) can explain human behaviors within organizations and industry.

Use, or closely follow, this template for your paper.

Consider the following information associated with attribution theory to support to your writing about decision-making:


bounded rationality

cognitive biases

conjunction fallacy




fundamental attribution error

creative decision making

*Writing Content


Based on our content this week, discuss the importance of rationale decision-making in an organization, using necessary citations. Include how bounded rationality, cognitive biases, and conjunction fallacy might affect decision-making.

-Attribution Theory

Explain attribution theory using necessary citations. Include a discussion about the effects of consistency, consensus, distinctiveness, and fundamental attribution error. Consider inclusion about the effects of perception, primacy and recency effects, selective perceptions, contrast effect, stereotyping to further support your discussion.

-Personal Experience: Inaccurate Judgement

Based on our content this week, consider your own experiences with others. Have your actions ever been judged inaccurately by a person such as a boss, a peer, or a family member? How could this experience support your thesis about whether or not attribution theory and bias affect human behaviors with organization?

Can self-serving, or other, bias affect one's perception of a behavior?

-Creative Decision Making

Explain how creative decision-making can improve our ability to make better decisions, considering the numerous obstacles to do so. Include an analysis about how good decision making can potentially affect productivity and job satisfaction.

Writing considerations:

a. The introduction paragraph should introduce your topic and clearly explain what the paper will address.

b. Headings can be used to organize your information. See template. (Each heading should include at least two paragraphs - minimum.)

c. Each paragraph should make a point which can be linked back to your introduction paragraph. Design the topic sentence to embody what the paragraph will entail.

d. The most important consideration in the body paragraphs is the argument that you want to develop (is or is not perceptions, attribution theory and bias applicable?) in response to the topic (applicability of perception, attribution theory and bias). This argument is developed by making and linking points in and between paragraphs.

e. The conclusion paragraph should restate your thesis (your suggestion that perceptions, attribution theory and bias does or does not apply to human behaviors in organizations.)

Your assignment should be a minimum of five to six double-spaced pages, and should adequately discuss the topic, demonstrate maturating self-awareness, and include at least one peer-reviewed source, in addition to your text. Use the rubric to check for thoroughness. Include frequent citation to resources.

The Ashford Library should be used as your primary resource for this assignment, but other credible sources will also be accepted. Your sources should be cited according to APA format as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

The paper

Must be five to six double-spaced pages in length, not including the title or references pages, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Must include a title page with the following:

Title of paper

Student's name

Course name and number

Instructor's name

Date submitted

Must begin with an introductory paragraph which will outline the two parts to be addressed within the paper.

Must address the topics with critical thought and support all assertions with peer-reviewed sources.

Must end with a conclusion that synthesizes your findings about attribution theory and bias effect on human behavior.

Must use at least one peer-reviewed sources from the Ashford University Library, not including your textbook.

Reference no: EM132188198

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