Reference no: EM131059576
1. Give a comparative analysis of ZhuangZi's and Aristotle's views on identities of things.
Steps: (1) briefly explain Aristotle's view and ZhuangZi's view on the issue; (2) Give your critical evaluation of them: Would you think (part of) Aristotle's view and ZhuangZi's view could be compatible? Why?
2. How does the Yin-Yang way of thinking fundamentally bear on some visions in Lao Zi'sDaoDe-Jing?
Steps: (1) Specify distinct characteristic features of the yin-yang way of thinking; (2) explain how, in does the yin-yang way of thinking influence Lao Zi's way as given in the Dao-De-Jing (in view of those distinct feature of yin-yang way).
3. Give a comparative examination of how Plato's account of Forms, Lao Zi's account of metaphysical Dao, Sankara's account of Brahman, and Buddhist account of the three signs of existence could jointly contribute to our understanding and treatment of the metaphysical issue of being (unchanging) versus becoming (changing)?
Steps: (1) briefly explain the major points of Plato's view on the relation between the world of Forms and our sensible world, Lao Zi's view on the relation between the metaphysical Dao and the world of particular things, Sankara's view on the relation between Brahman and our sensible world, and Buddhist account of three signs of Being; (2) how these four distinct approaches could jointly contribute to your understanding of the relation between being and becoming.
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