Reference no: EM13816560
When conducting research, it is important to use a scale that is both valid and reliable. In this Discussion, you will assess the reliability and validity of a scale relating to your research proposal.
To prepare for this Discussion:
Review the Frankfort-Nachmias and Nachmias text as well as the website on scaling.
Search your discipline's literature for a research article that contains an example of a test and a scale.
Choose a published research article that includes discussion of scale reliability and validity. You should choose one that reflects a scale you are using in your design; however, if you are not using a scale, choose an article that reflects a scale used for research in your discipline.
What considerations need to be made to ensure the scale and test are reliable and valid for another population?
With these thoughts in mind:
Post 3 to 4 paragraph critique of the scale used in the article and report to the class on its reliability and validity. State the methods the researchers used to test scale reliability and validity. Were these the best choices? Explain any different choices that you would have made. Along with the assignment, post the scale or a link to the scale so that fellow students can view it and discuss it.
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