Reference no: EM132313663
Question: Answer the following questions:
Part A: Assess which, if any, of these candidates is protected against discrimination in the workplace by Title VII or any other laws. List the reasons why he or she is protected. Explain any and all federal and state remedies that might be available to Fred. Make certain to incorporate the findings regarding disparate impact and disparate treatment as set forth in Griggs v. Duke Power and McDonnell Douglas v. Green in your analysis. Although she was hired, include Angela Wharton as well as the other candidates in your assessment.
Part B: Discuss whether you properly and fairly administered the aptitude and typing tests to the candidates involved, including Angela Wharton. Include in your discussion what the law requires employers to do in administering tests and also explain what the U.S. Supreme Court has had to say about skills testing, job-relatedness, and business necessity.
Part C: Discuss whether you properly conducted background checks on all the candidates, including Angela Wharton who was hired. Explain the requirements of the Fair Reporting Credit Act (FRCA) as well as the process of using a third party to conduct background checks.
Part D: Discuss whether Fred's former HR manager violated any laws by confiding to you that she suspects Fred is gay.
Part E: Discuss whether Angela's former employer violated any laws by terminating Angela when she was undergoing breast cancer. List the federal and state laws that apply to all the situation.
Part F: Discuss which laws, if any, Bill Bradley violated during the group interview with Martina Smith-Patel.
Part G: Grammar/Mechanics/Format.
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