Reference no: EM132609893 , Length: word count:2500
BISY2005 Enterprise Systems - Australian Institute of Higher Education
Learning Outcome 1: Show an understanding of the basic principles and issues associated with enterprise systems.
Learning Outcome 2: Explain and describe the scope of common enterprise systems (e.g. supply chain, HRM, procurement, etc.)
Learning Outcome 3: Identify and critically assess the challenges associated with implementing enterprise systems and their impact on business.
Learning Outcome 4: Demonstrate an understanding of the enterprise system development life cycle, from selection, acquisition, implementation, and maintenance.
Learning Outcome 5: Identify the factors that contribute to an organisation's readiness to implement enterprise systems and how obstacles might be overcome.
You are required to write a 2,500 to 2,600-word essay on the following enterprise systems topic:
• Examine ERP implementation case studies from leading ERP vendors, identify key use cases such as the following, and for each use case evaluate the challenges, successes, and trends associated with deriving business value from an ERP solution.
o Improve customer experiences
o Enhance employee engagement
o Innovate business processes
o Optimise business process services
o Advance operations and productivity
o Realise digital transformation
o Empower the workforce with insight
o Manage complex, large-scale projects
o Transform finance and operations
Your essay should be a synthesis of ideas researched from a variety of sources and expressed in your own words. It should be written in clear English and be submitted at the end of week 7 in electronic format as either a Word document or a pdf file. This electronic file will be checked using Turnitin for any evidence of plagiarism. You are expected to use references in the normal Harvard referencing style.
Attachment:- Enterprise Systems.rar