Explain and apply legal and ethical concepts

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM132290977

Course Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

1. Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of person centred and family centred care in safe and effective care delivery

2. Discuss the epidemiology, pathophysiology and symptomatology of the health breakdown of conditions being studied

3. Use clinical reasoning to identify nursing problems in the patient scenarios being studied and plan safe effective nursing care and patient education

4. Identify the attribute and skills required for culturally competent practice and apply to scenarios being studied

5. Identify the importance of effective inter-professional communication to safe practice and the prevention of medication error

6. Explain and apply legal and ethical concepts including beneficence, non-maleficence, negligence, open disclosure, and mandatory reporting

7. Utilise nursing research to support best practice nursing actions and critically appraise qualitative research and its application to empathetic patient care.

8. Demonstrate mastery of required medication and intravenous fluid calculations

Assessment 1 - Written Assignment - Care Plan


This assignment is designed for students to consolidate their learning in the first three (3) tutorials; to demonstrate their clinical reasoning and application of the Clinical Reasoning Cycle to identify and process cues, identify priority patient centred nursing diagnoses, set specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely goals and plan appropriate nursing actions with rationales based and scientific and best practice nursing literature.


1. Students are to select either Scenario 2B or 3A from their tutorial workbook.

2. Utilising clinical reasoning skills and knowledge students should identify one cluster of cues that relate to one priority patient problem, identify abnormal cues and compare to normal values. (suggested length 200 words)

3. The clinical situation and cues should be discussed, and abnormalities related to the risk factors and pathophysiology involved. (suggested length 250 words)

4. The priority problem should be expressed as an actual Nursing Diagnosis with related to and evidenced by statements (suggested length 50 words)

5. Set at least one related SMART goal with outcome criteria that are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely. (suggested length 100 words)

6. Identify four priority Nursing Actions to achieve the stated goal/s (suggested length 200 words)

7. Provide a rationale for each action with reference to scientific or best practice literature. (suggested length 200 words)

8. Provide an APA reference list of all source material used. (Reference List not included in the word count)

*Assessment 2 - Written Assignment 2 - Qualitative Research Report


Empathetic understanding of the lived experience of patients and family is crucial to the delivery of person and family centred care. By undertaking this assignment students will further develop their ability to locate, critically read, reflect on and apply qualitative nursing research findings to patient care. An online library module is provided within the Blackboard course to support students in searching for, identifying and critiquing qualitative research.

Description 1. Students should select one topic area from those listed below, which relates to the case scenarios studied in this course. If students wish to choose a different topic they should discuss this with their tutor or the course coordinator.

a. The experience of living with diabetes mellitus (for patient or family)
b. The experience of living with chronic kidney disease
c. The experience of post- surgical pain or pain management post- surgery
d. The experience of parents with a child in hospital
e. The experience of living with a stoma
f. The experience of being diagnosed with cancer
g. the experience of being a patient from an English as a second language or culturally diverse background

2. Conduct a literature search and select three individual qualitative nursing research studies relevant to the topic, that have been published within the last 10 years. You may use no more than one systematic review of the literature or meta-analysis of qualitative literature. If you choose a mixed method study the focus must be on discussion of the qualitative component, and this clearly explained. Discussion of quantitative studies will not be marked and will be awarded zero for that section of the rubric.

3. Write a report that covers the following areas:

a) Introduction: Outline your chosen topic area and give a brief explanation of the disease or clinical situation being discussed, the incidence and prevalence where relevant, and the impact of the disease or situation on patients and/or family. Justify why an understanding of this topic is important to nurses. (Suggested length 400 words)
b. Briefly outline the search strategy used including key search words and data bases (suggested length 100 words)

b) Under individual headings which reference each paper, briefly describe and appraise each study. Include in your discussion the research aims, design, participants, data collection method, data analysis, main findings, ethical considerations and study limitations. You may use CASP questions (Critical appraisal skills program 2017, available on Blackboard) or research textbooks as a resource. (suggested length 900 words - 300 each paper)

c) Identify key common findings in the studies, or significant variations (suggested length 300 words)

d) Reflect on what you have learned about the experience of the patient and/or family and discuss how you will apply this in your future nursing practice (suggested length 300 words)

e) Provided a APA reference list including the three research papers and other resources used. Ensure that all source material is acknowledged in text. (Reference list is not included in the word count)


Verified Expert

This project is conducted on experiences that a parent has to go through during hospitalization of their child. It has critically evaluated 3 relevant journal articles from nursing pediatrics and narrated the similarities as well as differences in key finding section. A reflective experience is also being featured along with proper application on nursing practices

Reference no: EM132290977

Questions Cloud

Relationship to the faculty and development of curriculum : What is the leadership role of the chief academic officer, deans, and chairperson and their relationship to the faculty and development of curriculum?
Describe the types of behaviors and skills nurse leaders : Describe the types of behaviors and skills nurse leaders need to guide the use of information technology and research for improved patient-care outcomes.
Marginal revenue of the two firms : The market demand curve is given by P = 100 - 4Q. Also, each firm has constant marginal cost equal to 28. There are no fixed costs.
Some important aspects of the problem of discrimination : What are the arguments against discrimination that brings out some important aspects of the problem of discrimination? Explain.
Explain and apply legal and ethical concepts : NURS2101 - Foundations of Professional Practice - University of Newcastle, Australia - reflect on and apply qualitative nursing research findings to patient
List the two traits of public goods : List the two traits of public goods and give an example of such a good.
Share an experience from your externship : Share an experience from your externship when you felt like you communicated well in a team, either as a leader or team member.
Government does that fall under fiscal policy : Define fiscal policy and list the two things the government does that fall under fiscal policy.
How service adequately addresses the needs of the community : Identify one support service within your community to assist with preterm infants and their families and explain how the service adequately addresses the needs.



4/22/2019 10:53:15 PM

Appendix 2: Assessment item 2 - Qualitative research report Introduction • The chosen topic area is introduced • The disease or clinical situation is accurately defined and explained • Incidence and/or prevalence and impact on the patient and /or family is outlined • The importance of the topic to nursing is discussed • This discussion is supported by appropriate resource material 0-4 Topic not introduced, or criteria not adequately covered 5-6 Adequately introduced, most criteria met 7 All criteria covered with some support from resource material 8 All criteria covered with support from resources 9-10 Well written, all criteria met and well supported


4/22/2019 10:53:00 PM

A reference list is provided 0 1-2 3 4 5 that meets APA requirements. Reference list not Significant APA Minor APA referencing Well written and Outstanding The assignment meets School provided, or more than referencing errors in errors in reference list correctly referenced presentation. standards in relation to 10% direct quotations, reference list or text, or text, minor spelling throughout. Well written and literacy and academic or significant or significant spelling or grammatical errors. A good range of source correctly referenced integrity unacknowledged direct and grammatical errors Adequate source material used. throughout. source material, or very throughout the material used An excellent range of poor literacy making assignment. source material well reading very difficult. Limited or poor source utilized in discussion. material used


4/22/2019 10:52:56 PM

Four priority nursing actions 0-3 4-5 6 7 8 are provided with detail There are less than four There are four relevant Four relevant nursing Four relevant nursing Four relevant, well nursing actions, or the nursing actions actions are provided actions are provided detailed, high priority actions are not relevant to identified but with with adequate detail that include adequate nursing actions are well the identified problem limited detail detail and address the explained. highest priority actions required for the situation A rationale is provided for 0-3 4-5 6 7 8 each action that is supported A rationale is not provided A rationale is provided An adequate rationale A clear rationale is A well written rationale with a reference to scientific, for each action or the for each action, and is provided for each provided for each that shows in-depth


4/22/2019 10:52:33 PM

Actual Nursing Diagnosis/ 0 1 2 3 problem identified with There is no identified A priority nursing A priority nursing A priority nursing associated related to and nursing diagnosis/problem, diagnosis is identified diagnosis is identified diagnosis is identified evidenced by statements or the problem identified but is poor expressed and there is an attempt and clearly written is not a priority or there are no related to include related to with clear related to to and evidenced by and evidenced by and evidenced by statements statements statements A clear goal is identified to 0 1 2 3 4 address the problem with set There is no goal or the goal There is a relevant goal There is a relevant goal There is a relevant goal There is a relevant, outcome measures that meet is not relevant to the but no specific with some outcome with clear outcome clearly written goal SMART criteria identified problem outcome measures measures measure that meet with detailed outcome most SMART criteria measures that meet all SMART criteria


4/22/2019 10:52:25 PM

The related risk factors and 0-2 3-4 5-6 7 8 pathophysiology is discussed The risk factors and The risk factors and The risk factors and The risk factors and The related risk factors pathophysiology are not pathophysiology are pathophysiology are pathophysiology are and pathophysiology discussed or are discussed discussed at a adequately discussed, clearly explained, are clearly explained at a very superficial or beginning level, or is supported by reference supported by reference showing an in-depth inaccurate level not clear or fully to source material, and to source material, and understanding, accurate. linked to abnormal well linked to abnormal supported by reference There is no or limited cues cues to quality source link to the abnormal material, and well cues linked to the abnormal cues.


4/22/2019 10:52:15 PM

Chosen scenario to be used is identified 0 The scenario is not identified 1 The chosen scenario is clearly identified at the beginning of the assignment A cluster of cues has been listed, abnormalities identified and compared to normal values 0 Cues cluster not listed 1 Some of the cues are listed, but a number are missed, or irrelevant cues included 2 Most of the cues are listed and abnormalities identified 3 All the relevant cues are listed and compared to normal values with referencing


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Range of Marks Grade Description 85-100 High Distinction (HD) Outstanding standard indicating comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the relevant materials; demonstration of an outstanding level of academic achievement; mastery of skills*; and achievement of all assessment objectives. 75-84 Distinction (D) Excellent standard indicating a very high level of knowledge and understanding of the relevant materials; demonstration of a very high level of academic ability; sound development of skills*; and achievement of all assessment objectives.

Write a Review

Management Theories Questions & Answers

  Learning in action

Learning contract proposal that will form the basis of your learning contract report.

  Change is the only constant

"Change is the only constant " Evaluate the different types of change that have occurred in Sony.

  How do advertisers try to use group influence

How do advertisers try to use group influence?  Will you find any specific examples and explain the relevant theory of group behavior and influence?

  Case study:saving sony

You have been appointed by Sony as a consultant on change management. Advise Sony on how they could implement the change by using the various theories of change you have learnt.

  How the stock market works

The purpose of this project is to help you to gain an understanding of how the stock market works and of the relationship between theory and practice.

  Find the optimal production quantities

Find not only the optimal production quantities, but also the optimal total cost.

  Describe the management process

Describe the management process and identify the skills required to manage business organizations.

  Case study : bert''s bonsai and aquatic sport museum

Case Study : Bert's Bonsai and Aquatic Sport Museum Prepare a knowledge management system.

  Knowledge management techniques

Demonstrate understanding of the many-sided nature of knowledge management

  Theory of transtheoretical model

Demonstrate understanding of the many-sided nature of knowledge management

  Write a paper on historical trends of management

Write a paper on Historical Trends of Management.

  Theory of reasoned action

Theory of Planned Behavior and Integrated Behaviors Model

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