Reference no: EM131396029
C# - Microsoft Visual Studio, Windows Forms
Topics: OnPaint, Custom Controls, Mouse Events
Topics: OnPaint, Custom Controls, Mouse Events
Student will make the second of three parts of a project that will form a tile editor application. In this part, the map and tile selector will be integrated.
The first thing you will want to do is get the three controls that you have made into the same project. These components can be copied and pasted right from the Solution Explorer in Visual Studio. You'll want the tile set, map, and size selection controls all in the same project. Once these components are functioning in the same form you should be able to resize the map with the size controls, select a tile in the tileset, and when selecting a tile on the map grid that tile becomes the selected tile from the tileset. Importing a new tileset image, modifying the size settings of the tile set, and displaying which tile is selected in a StatusStrip should all still be supported in this project.
A demo executable for this application can be downloaded in the attatchments.
Tilesets that you can test your lab with are located in the attatchments.
The attachments are crucial for this assignment.
These are the guidelines used by the grading rubric:
Custom Controls: Images
• Clicking a tile in the map sets that tile to have the same image as the currently selected tile from the tile selection control.
• Changing the size of the map does not clear remaining rows.
Custom Controls: Properties
• Importing a new tileset image affects both the tile selection control and the map.
• Changing the tile sizes affects both the tile selection control and the map.
• The map size is adjustable and updates immediately when changed.
Main Form
• ToolStrip is used for access to loading a new tileset image and the grid options.
• StatusStrip uses text to indicate which tile is selected.
• Contains a CustomControl for the tileset, a CustomControl for the map, and a UserControl for the map size.
Extra Information
Go back through your code and check for the following:
• Your application must compile and must not crash when starting up.
• All variables and methods are named appropriately.
• Input controls are appropriately labeled.
• Any information being output to the user should be clear and concise.
• Make sure nothing accesses an object that doesn't exist.
• Add comments to your code to indicate that you know what each line does.
Attachment:- Attachments.rar
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