Explain a scenario where would apply access control measures

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131669145


Access control is a security measure that ensures that all types of data are protected from unauthorized disclosure or modification. Access control approaches determine how users interact with data and other network resources.

In an initial post:

Explain a scenario where you would apply one of the four access control measures. Why would you select one over the others?

Continue the discussion by evaluating how mandatory vacation can be used as a tool to detect fraud and help employees release their work stress.

Then, respond to your classmates. Did you agree with their opinion of the most important access control measure to use in their scenario? Why or why not?." (TWO PARAGRAPHS EACH WITH REFERENCES ON EACH OF THEM SEPARATELY, NOT TOGETHER)

Article: Setting the Course: Gathering and analyzing project requirements takes a strategic mind-set and strong communicatoins skills by Sarah Fister Gale and illustration by Eva Vazquez.


Reference no: EM131669145

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