Explain a point kubler-ross makes about denial

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133463917

Answer any TWO (2) of the following questions. Please write the number to the questions you are answering. All answers must be typed, double spaced, in 12 point font, and stapled. You will lose points if this criteria is not met. You must cite from both the Tolstoy book and the KublerRoss book IN EACH QUESTION. For citations, please use MLA format. For help citing, check Canvas. Points will be deducted if direct quotes are not used and/or if quotes are not properly cited.

Question 1. Illustrate examples of the five stages of grieving in Tolstoy's The Death of Ivan Ilych as presented by Kubler-Ross in her book, On Death and Dying. Be specific and use quotations from both books to illustrate each stage. Be sure to provide insight into each example, perhaps by commenting on what went right or wrong, offering some advice (and why that advice is justified and helpful), and/or empathizing with the character used to illustrate each stage. Be creative but be thorough. Again, make your point, support your point, and reconnect to your point.
A sample outline: (please write your response in paragraphs, not numbered, listed, or bulleted):
Paragraph 1: Denial
? Explain a point Kubler-Ross makes about denial
? Include a quote from Kubler-Ross to illustrate this point and explain how it relates to Kubler-Ross' point; relate that quote back to Kubler-Ross' point
? Discuss an example of denial from Tolstoy
? Include a quote from Tolstoy to illustrate this example and explain how it relates to Tolstoy's point
? Connect the two points you made from Kubler-Ross and Tolstoy to show how what Kubler-Ross states is shown in the Tolstoy story.
Repeat for all stages.

Question 2. Describe Ivan Ilych's relationship with three people in the story as he is dying. These could be his doctors, family, and friends. With each of these relationships, provide some insight from Kubler-Ross' book. What do you think she would say to or about these characters? Why? What advice would you give each of them after reading both The Death of Ivan Ilych and On Death and Dying? Be specific and use quotations from both books to illustrate each relationship. Be sure to provide insight into each example.
A sample outline: (please write your response in paragraphs, not numbered, listed, or bulleted):
Character X:
? Explain an aspect of the relationship between Character X and Ivan after Ivan becomes ill.
? Include a quote to illustrate that aspect of the relationship and relate back to your point
? Explain what Kubler-Ross may say when observing this relationship
? Include a quote to support what Kubler-Ross might say.
? Explain the significance of the quote and how it connects to Ivan

Reference no: EM133463917

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