Expert systems or neural networks

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM1317138

Insurance claims adjusters are under the great pressure in order to process the insurance claims rapidly. Now claims adjusters should determine the liability, calculate the damages, and deal with the false or padded claims in a cost-efficient and timely manner. Extra investigation of the suspicious claim adds expense and delays the settlement; however inaction might result in the payment of a fraudulent claim and potential for inviting the future bogus claims. It seems a difficult dilemma for even most seasoned claims adjusters as most claims have some suspicious elements. Now you are asked to suggest a DSS solution in order to help the claim adjusters recognize and red flag various types of fraud. Could you please select and justify which of the decision technology/approaches, expert systems or the neural networks, which must be used and how your solution would work.

Reference no: EM1317138

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What is the fee schedule for services : What is the fee schedule for these services, assuming that the goal is to cover only variable and direct fixed cost?  What is the fee schedule for these services, assuming that the goal is to cover only variable and direct fixed cost?


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