Experiment report on full open ball valve k value

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Reference no: EM133705211

Experiment Report on Full open ball valve K value, Custom impeller max efficiency and Average particle size, diameter (µm)

1. Introduction
• State the CONTEXT of the report
• Explain relevant BACKGROUND INFORMATION to set it in its broader context and to allow for comprehension of theory and assumptions
• A clear statement of the PURPOSE of the report and AIMS of the project
• Outline the LIMITS on the scope of the research/study (i.e. what is "in scope" and "out of scope")
• Provide DEFINITIONS & key terms attributable to key concepts

2. Method

The method section should cover the methods used (e.g: surveys, questionnaires, interviews, web searches, experimental procedures, modelling approaches etc.)
What Experiments and Testing were done? What were the procedures to use them? How the data was collected (i.e. experiments, manufacturers, internet)
Modelling of Real-World design, what models were used, basics theory equations in models, etc., were simulations used, what did the simulator model?
As you worked in teams, How the project was carried out (i.e. meetings, workshops, task division). Minutes of team meeting must be included in an Appendix and referenced in the text here.
2.1. Experimental Method
2.1.1. Fluid Rig, Measuring the Pressure Drop from a Ball Valve
You should include a description of what was measured/recorded and what was calculated, including any formulas used for the calculation. You should summarise the procedure to measuring things, but you may reference the Workshop Part B manual for details of the experimental procedure. If you did anything different from what was outlined in that workshop manual, you should note that here.
2.1.2. Methods of drawing/designing a custom Impeller/3D Printing
You should explain what software was used. What hub file was provided and what constraints did you have to apply in order to design impeller. Outline the general step by step approach you took in drawing your impeller onto the hub, for example: selecting a pane, using a sketch, drawing a rectangle, setting thedimensions, extrudes, sweeps, fillets, cut to fit onto the hub, etc. This does not require screen shots or illustrations but should include enough information so that someone competent in using the software, with the same hub file, and familiar with the design problem can reproduce your drawing. There is no need to show the full or final impeller picture here, save this for section 3.1.3.

You should say what type of printer was used, the general process, referencing the workshop or FEIT website documents. You should state any settings you had to select for the printer (solid fraction, alignment/layout) and the number of impellers printed at one time. Include a picture of a 3D printed impeller or a screen shot of the layout of the printers in the makerbot software if you think this can help in the explanation.

2.1.3. Fluid Rig, Measuring the Pump Curve and Efficiency for an Impeller
What was the procedure for measuring the pump curve, what data was recorded and what was plotted. This can be an overview where you may reference the workshop documents for detailed procedures. If you did anything different from what was outlined in that workshop manual, you should note that here.
2.1.4. Image Monitoring Rig, Calibration and Particle Detection
Describe the camera calibration method used to find the image resolution. Eg. labelling using getpts or similar. Describe the method used to find the particle size distribution and mean particle size.

2.2. Project Design/Modelling Methods
The models used for calculations and background theory can be included here. In the Results and Discussion, you may include specific formula that were used to calculate a result, but here you can include the general back ground equations.
2.2.1. EBE analysis
The Engineering Bernoulli equation and the approaches to applying it can be presented here. You need not reproduce lectures and you can reference both lectures and workshop materials as well as other references. You should plan to include the EBE equation in full, including the loss terms. You should also include the expressions you used for Re, friction factor, converting flow rate to velocity. This section does not need to be long, so reference lectures and workshop documents in useful ways to conserve space. If you include a table of the K values for fittings, please include in the appendix or reference a workshop or lecture document.
2.2.2. Contactor Section of Water Disinfection Design
You should include a description of what was modelled and calculated. You can include the form of the Chick-Watsonlaw used in your calculations, but the expressions to calculate pathogen inactivation constants, ozone decay constants and half-life data can be included in an appendix.
2.2.3. Image Analysis Methods
You should provide a brief description of how particle length, area, velocity and density were calculated. This should include information on use of the volume of the torch beam, and particle detection on a single frame.MATLAB code should be included in the appropriate appendix.

3. Results

• What happened and what was found?
• Be visual.
• Be concise.
• Plan to discuss the results. This includes comment on uncertainties from experimental errors. Comments on interpretation of if the results follow expected trends should be included. Critical discussion often compares to literature values or trends and discussing reasons for agreement or discrepancies in the literature. Any assumptions made in the analysis of these data should be clearly stated and justified or explained. In a number of places, there are suggestions of points that should be discussed, but you should feel free to offer discussion in any area you feel it is warranted. Also, there may be specific areas in noted in the design brief, that will also ask for comment or discussion, so check your checklists.
3.1. Pump and Water Distribution Network
3.1.1. Determining the K values for a Ball Valve
This section should include Plot of K versus fraction opening of ball valve with a detailed caption and report the value for completely open valve in the text. You should include the table of all or your recorded experimental data including flow rate and pressure drop as well as calculated K values and fraction open in an appendix. Any MATLAB scripts should be included in the MATLAB script Appendix.
You should include a discussion of any experimentaluncertainties in these data. Any discrepancies between the measured K-Values and values reported in the literature should be discussed. Comment on the likely origins of these differences.
3.1.2. Determining the Performance Pump Curve and Efficiency for a stock impeller
Include a figure that has both the pump curve and calculated efficiency. Both curves plotted on one graph with 2 y-axes. You should include the data and any subsequent calculated quantities in a table in the appendix. Any MATLAB scripts should be included in the MATLAB script Appendix.
You should include a discussion of any experimental uncertainties in these data as well as comment on the trends in the data. Are these data consistent with expectations, and if so why? You should compare both pump performance and efficiencies to other pumps of similar performance. Comment on any differences and the likely origins of them.
3.1.3. Determining the 3D Impeller Designfor the 3D Printed Impeller
Explain the process and reasoning you used to decide on the geometry of your impeller design. This should include any information on your research into different types of impellers that you feel is relevant. If you used any calculation approaches, outline them here. Explain what aspects of your research on impellers, referencing sources, helped guide the decisions you made in your design. For example, what type of design aspects were excluded based on your research and what aspects were included. This could include choices on the direction, number of, and angles of the impeller blades. Where there any constraints on the impeller dimensions due to the impeller hub structure? If you have a number of 2D or 3D designs that were part of your iterative design process, you may include them in an Appendix if you need to discuss them as part of your explanation.

Present your final impeller design, this should include a scale drawing from Inventor or Fusion 360 with dimensions on the drawing it or reported in the caption. There are two options to accomplish this part. 1. You may take screen shots of the impeller. 2. You can use your .ipt file to make a drawing(dwg) file in inventor or drawing in fusion, it can easily create multiple views (side, perspective, top, etc) and add dimensions. This file can be exported as a .png or jpg and part or all of the drawing can easily be included as figures. It can have more than one view if you wish to make a DWG file and export the file as a jpg.
3.1.4. Determining Performance Pump Curve and Efficiency for the3D printed Impeller
Include a figure that has both the pump curve and calculated efficiency. Both curves plotted on one graph with 2 y-axes. You should include the data and any subsequent calculated quantities in a table in the appendix. Any MATLAB scripts should be included in the MATLAB script Appendix. Plots for other designs can be included here or in an appendix, if you do not have room.
Discuss and compare the performance of the provided impeller performance data to the stock impeller performance.

4. Design Problem Solution
This is section reports and discusses the outcome of you design solution. It presents the solution a complete body of work. The structure may not match how the design was completed chronologically. That is fine, you are explain the solution as a complete solution, not the process of design, this is the outcome and a discussion of the models, results, assumptions and choices you have made.
• Be visual
• Be concise.
• Plan to discuss the results. This includes comment on uncertainties from calculations based on assumptions or model sensitivity. Comments on interpretation of if the results follow expected trends should be included. Critical discussion often compares to literature values or trends and discussing reasons for agreement or discrepancies in the literature. Any assumptions made in the design process should be clearly stated and justified or explained. In a number of places, there are suggestions of points that should be discussed, but you should feel free to offer discussion in any area you feel it is warranted. Also, there may be specific areas in noted in the design brief, that will also ask for comment or discussion, so check your checklists.

4.1. Community Water Consumption
This should report the total daily water use for the community. Include how much is for the clinic and how much is for the community. This is for drinking water only. Include calculations as a MATLAB script in the MATLAB script Appendix.
Include the population basis for the community and the assumed water use per person and how this was calculated. Explain your reasoning, state and justify any assumptions you made in deciding on these numbers. Remember to include appropriate references in this discussion.
4.2. Pump System- Section 1
4.2.1. System Curve
The first section contains all the information required for the system curve, where the final part of 4.2.1 is the system curve plot in section You can add a sentence here to inform the reader of what is included in the system curve description, but only if you have the space. Pipe Material, Schedule and Diameter
Report the pipe materials, schedule, pipe roughness and diameters used in DN terms. Note the sections where the diameter is different. If you used more than one material or pipe schedule, note which sections are what material.
All of these choices warrant a discussion summarising the research you have done in this area and the advantages and disadvantage of choice of materials, pipe schedule and diameters to justify your choices. Some diameters may have been in the design brief, if so state this. A discussion of the diameter choice for the portion of the pipe from the reducer to the water tower can be delayed until section on the Water travel time from the reducer to water tower. EBE analysis
This should give the expression used for your EPE analysis for the system curve (do not include every fitting term in the loss expression). It should have a term for all the major sources of pressure drop, including the pipes, fittings, height, kinetic energy term and include a separate term for membrane losses (this is really just another pipe loss term). Report the h,v, and p at the two points in the analysis. The h and p (=atm) values were specified in the design brief. You do not need to include the diagram of section 1 if you do not have room, you can reference the design brief. Include calculations for the system curve as a MATLAB script in the MATLAB script Appendix. Pipe losses
Report the length of pipes and the diameters of those pipes used in the EBE analysis in text or in a table. Fittings
Either in a list in text or in a table, report the number and types of fittings included in the calculation. Height Change
Report the height change used in the EBE analysis. Membranes
Report the number and type of membranes, the total area of the membranes and the individual and total pressure loss in m for the membranes. Report the Re number in each membrane. Contactor Section
Report the length and diameter of the contactor section and report the diameter of the pipe from the reducer to the water tank. If the contactor is different materials than the pipes prior to the membranes note this here. This discussion of the choice of contactor length can be delayed until section System Curve Plot
A plot of your system curve for section one should include a detailed caption. This is the curve for your final design, including membrane pressure drop, contactor region, where all ID's have been set.Include calculations as a MATLAB script in the MATLAB script Appendix.
Comment on any likely factors that could change and significantly affect the system curve. What are they and how might they change the system curve behaviour.
4.2.2. Impeller Scale up and Operational Flow Rate
Report the operational flow rate, the scaled up impeller size and include a plot that shows the system curve interacting with the operational flow rate line and the scales up pump curve. The figure should also have the non-scaled pump curve included as well. Report the efficiency value used in calculating the power required to run the pump at the operational flow rateand report the required power for the pump at the operational flow rate.Include calculations as a MATLAB script in the MATLAB script Appendix.
Is this impeller large compared to centrifugal pumps in practice?Discuss the likely origins of any discrepancies. In addition, compared to commercial centrifugal pumps (and cite your references) how does theefficiency used in these calculations compare? What are the likely origins of any discrepancies?
4.3. Water Distribution Network - Section 2
Report the general expression of the EBE analysis used for each tap.
4.3.1. Pipe Distribution network
Include schematic showing the pipe distribution network using a 3D plot and two 2D plots showing a side and top view. The plot does not need to be to scale, but does need to have appropriate dimensions on it. It can be hand drawn and scanned, draw on a tablet or in a drawing program. As long as the design is clear to the reader, the choice of drawing tool is not critical. Elbows, t-junctions, reducers and other fittings should be marked on the drawing. Methods similar to those in lecture on pipe networks can be used to show the fitting locations. Report the pipe diameters and pipe schedules used throughout the network.
Explain the reasoning behind your choice of paths? Support any decisions based on references to appropriateliterature, lecture, design briefs and workshop documents. In your discussion, perhaps consider, why this path is better to other alternatives. What are the advantages of disadvantages to the choice you have made?
Explain your choices for pipe materials and schedules for the entire pipe network. Justify your choices, referencing the appropriate sources. Also, explain your reasoning behind your diameter choices in the network, again justifying these decisions, referencing the appropriate sources. If you use reducers, explain the reasoning behind their use and location.
4.3.2. Design for Tap 1, EBE analysis
Include a diagram showing the intended path of water for Tap 1, based on the pipe network schematic. You may include the schematic again with the path to Tap 1 highlights or a smaller or cut out section of the pipe distribution network. Report the pipe lengths and types of fittings (and K value) for the tap configuration, preferably in table.If you used a reducer, report the locations of the reducer and the changes in diameter. Alsoreport the flow rate and pressure at the tap outlet. Include calculations as a MATLAB script in the MATLAB script Appendix.
4.3.3. Design for Tap 2, EBE analysis
Include a diagram showing the intended path of water for Tap 2, based on the pipe network schematic. You may include the schematic again with the path to Tap 2 highlights or a smaller or cut out section of the pipe distribution network. Report the pipe lengths and types of fittings (and K value) for the tap configuration, preferably in table.If you used a reducer, report the locations of the reducer and the changes in diameter. Alsoreport the flow rate and pressure at the tap outlet. Include calculations as a MATLAB script in the MATLAB script Appendix.
4.3.4. Design for Tap 3, EBE analysis
Include a diagram showing the intended path of water for Tap 2, based on the pipe network schematic. You may include the schematic again with the path to Tap 2 highlights or a smaller or cut out section of the pipe distribution network. Report the pipe lengths and types of fittings (and K value) for the tap configuration, preferably in table.If you used a reducer, report the locations of the reducer and the changes in diameter. Alsoreport the flow rate and pressure at the tap outlet.Include calculations as a MATLAB script in the MATLAB script Appendix.
4.3.5. Design for Tap 2 & 3, EBE analysis (Optional)
Include a diagram showing the intended path of water for Tap 2&3, based on the pipe network schematic. You may include the schematic again with the path to Tap 2&3 highlights or a smaller or cut out section of the pipe distribution network. Also report the flow rate and pressure at the tap outlets. Report the diameter(s) of pipes used in DN terminology, report the materials and pipe schedules as well. If you used a reducer, report the locations of the reducer and the changes in diameter.Report the pipe lengths and types of fittings (and K value) for each tap configuration, preferably in table.Include calculations as a MATLAB script in the MATLAB script Appendix. You should include an explanation of the EBE analysis you used for this result. If you do not have room in the report, include this in the appendix. Discuss any assumptions made in the EBE analysis and their impact on the validity of the design solution.
4.4. Water Disinfection
4.4.1. Pathogen Inactivation Rate Constants
Report the temperature and the pathogen inactivation rate constants used in this design. Provide units with these values. Include calculations as a MATLAB script in the MATLAB script Appendix.
4.4.2. Ozone Decay Constant
Report the temperature and the ozone rate constants used in this design. Report the ozone half-life that was used for this calculation. Provide units with these values. Include calculations as a MATLAB script in the MATLAB script Appendix.
4.4.3. Contactor Design
Report the Log in activation credits for giardia and viruses achieved. The concentration of ozone in the water used for the calculation. Include the length of time in the contactor (the time the fluid takes to travel from the last membrane to the reducer). Discussion of how these values were determined and justify your choice of contactor length, L, using calculations, explaining and assumptions and referencing sources as appropriate.Include calculations as a MATLAB script in the MATLAB script Appendix.
4.4.4. Water travel time from the reducer to water tower
Report the water travel time in this section of the pipe and the diameter in DN terminology. Confirm this time meets the design specification. (i.e. state your design time and the limits from the design spec). Include calculations as a MATLAB script in the MATLAB script Appendix.
4.4.5. Membrane Module Selection, Type and Number
Report the total required area determined using the Membrane Area versus Flow Rate correlation provided in the Water Disinfection design document. Report the number and type of membrane modules used. Report the total combined area these modules provide. Report the difference between this area and the total required area. Confirm this difference meets the design specifications (include the design specification in this confirmation). Include calculations as a MATLAB script in the MATLAB script Appendix.
Discuss how this combination meets the design criteria. Also discuss why you choose this solution if there were more than one solution to this part of the problem. What are the implications if the combined area is more or less than the required area? You may wish to comment on the design criteria in this context. Discuss any implications of the membrane choice on the pressure drop calculations for membrane losses in section
4.5. Inline Image Monitoring System
4.5.1. Particle concentration threshold
Report the mean particle size (diameter and area) and membrane area for failure.
For each of 8 - 12 months, in half month increments, report in a table the particle concentration, the number of filter changes required for 5 years of operation, the total hours of contaminated run time required to change the filter, and the number of hours to \
90foul membrane. In this table, highlight the chosen particle concentration threshold, and demonstrate that less than 7 filter changes can be achieved over the 5-year lifespan.
4.5.2. Detection algorithm scale up
Describe the scale up of the algorithm from section 3.2.4 in order for the particle detection to be applied in the real world IIMS. Outline changes to the algorithm in terms of the particle concentration threshold and the physical dimensions of the IIMS monitoring window.

5. Discussion
• Identify the main themes in the research findings
• Interpret and analyse the results as a whole to support the findings
• Link the results to other similar research or experiments and to each other
• For the project as a whole, comment on the reliability and feasibility of the design.
• Are there any areas of the design that have a risk to them or greater uncertainty than others.
• Are there any areas that need more work prior to progressing the design process further?

6. Conclusions

• Provides a brief summary of the key findings or information in your report
• Highlights the major outcomes of your investigation and their significance
• States whether you have achieved your aims

7. Recommendations
• Suggest future actions.
• Focus on a main objective and support it with other suggestions.
• Use verbs such as "should", "could", and "may".
• Be clear that they're recommendations.

8. References
YOU MUST USE the APA7th style

Reference list:
• In text referencing
• Use in-text citations when:
• Incorporating information from other sources
• factual material
• graphs and tables of data
• pictures and diagrams
• Quoting word-for-word from another work

9. Appendices
Associated materials.
Too detailed (e.g. large tables of data)
Intermediate (e.g. MATLAB code)
Each appendix must be given a number (or letter) and title
Each appendix must be referred to by its number (or letter) when mentioned in the body of the report.

Reference no: EM133705211

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