Reference no: EM132845955 , Length: 1163 words
Experiment - Number Systems
Objectives - After completing this experiment, you will:
1- Understand whet a 7-Segment display is.
2- Understand what a BCD to 7-Segment Decoder Driver is.
3- Design a logic circuit that will decode a BCD number and display it on a seven-segment display.
This experiment will be conducted using Multisim.
Summary: In Theory there is an infinite number of number systems. However, the ones in use are:
1- The Decimal number system, base 10.
2- The Binary number system, base 2.
3- The Octal number system, base 8.
4- The Hexadecimal number system, base 16.
5- The binary coded number system BCD.
Of interest to this experiment is the BCD number system. This is because the hardware that would convert the BCD number to a form that is read by humans does exists. A BCD number is a mere representation of decimal digits (0 through 9), where each decimal digit is represented by 4 binary bits. The conversion table between the decimal digit and their BCD representation is shown in Table 1-1.
Decimal Digit
BCD representation
Table 1-1. Decimal to BCD Number Conversion Table
A display device that can display the BCD number decimal equivalent digit is called the 7-Segment display. But before that device can display the digit, the BCD number must be decoded to generate the necessary signal required to display individual LEDs that form the display device. For that purpose, a BCD to 7-Segment decoder driver must be used. It is available in IC form and it is the 7447A BCD/Decimal decoder.
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