Experiencing life and the world of professional counseling

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Reference no: EM133547245


1. After experiencing life and the world of professional counseling. What if anything has surprised you about practice? About clients? About yourself?

2. Has your work as a professional counselor impacted you're your personal life? If so, how?

3. Has your work as a professional counselor impacted your view of self? Your opinion of others? Your view of the world?

4. What one piece of advice would you give a person about the field of professional counseling?

Reference no: EM133547245

Questions Cloud

What is defensive pessimism and strategic optimism : What is defensive pessimism (DP) and strategic optimism (SO), and how might DP be adaptive for the individual?
Stem cells are unique : Stem cells are unique in that they can turn into any cell that is needed, with the chance to replace those cells that have died off.
Edgework is risky-radical behavior-emerging adults engage : Edgework and other forms of risky behavior are indicative of this part of the lifespan. Edgework is risky or radical behavior that emerging adults engage
How early exposure to aversive childhood experiences : Describe how early exposure to aversive childhood experiences predispose the adult to medical and psychiatric disorders?
Experiencing life and the world of professional counseling : After experiencing life and the world of professional counseling. What if anything has surprised you about practice? About clients? About yourself?
Average agreement with gay individuals : Average agreement with gay individuals having the right to marry one another among people who were interviewed in different geographic regions
Strengthen your work as future licensed counselor : Identify at least THREE concepts covered this module that you believe will strengthen your work as a future licensed counselor.
What is observational learning : What is observational learning? Describe Bandura's Bobo Doll experiment.
Why is culture important : Why is culture important? Reflecting on when you grew up, how did culture set rules for your behavior, characteristics for your group,


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