Experience using google maps api

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131105351

This part of assignment 3 provides experience using Google Maps API.

Start by looking at word document named "notes" in folder, describing the sequence of five map web pages. The five maps.html links in the folder are for the example google map web pages that are described in the text. Each example web page will open in a separate window. They show a sequence of API features being used. After examining these examples you should be ready to find information from the API's online documentation (links inside "might be useful links txt file), to produce other map effects and activities.

The Task: A company named Globetrotter Travel want their website to display a continuously moving map with a small dog running on it. Your task is to produce this effect. There is a suitable animated GIF image(inside folder named globetrotter) to use as the running dog, which you might call globetrotter. Now you need to position the image, stationary, in front of the map and make the map scroll under it at a suitable speed in the right direction. Besides your work, a brief description of your implementation in the Word document for Assignment 3 would be helpful, please provide that description.

Attachment:- dbassignment3.zip

Reference no: EM131105351

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