Experience burnout and compassion fatigue

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133171660

In the helping profession, an intervention can be described as an action taken, a service provided, or a treatment technique used in an attempt to alleviate a problem. Clients/families come to human service professionals seeking help for all different types of reasons. The human service professional gathers information and uses that information to identify interventions that can help to alleviate the problem. The passion and desire that human service professionals have for helping others can be stressful and many times human service professional vicariously experience their clients' problems and this can take a toll on the human service professional; therefore, it is essential that human service professionals be resilient themselves. Please use the assigned readings and use the Library to research peer-reviewed studies to support your post.

Discuss what it means for a human service professional to experience burnout and compassion fatigue.

What are some interventions a human service professional can utilize to reduce the risk of burnout and compassion fatigue as well as promote personal resilience?

Reference no: EM133171660

Questions Cloud

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