Expected value of a prize in the game

Assignment Help Finance Basics
Reference no: EM131559834

1. The probability of winning a $ 50 prize is 40%, and the probability of winning a prize of $ 100 is 60%. What is the expected value of a prize in the game?

2. The probability of winning a $ 50 prize is 40% and the probability of losing a prize of $ 50 is 60%. What is the expected value of a prize in the game?

3. Use the following table to calculate the expected return on the asset.


0.10 0.25

0.20 0.50

0.25 0.25

4. Use the following table to calculate the expected return on the asset.


0.05 0.10

0.10 0.15

0.15 0.5

0.25 0.25

5. Estimate the expected performance if you know the following data

Pi Ri

0.25 0.2


0.25 0.4

6. You purchased a stock of MSJ, Inc. The purchase price of the asset is $ 25.00. You have reviewed your market price at the end of each month from January (purchase date) until March. Its total yield has been 25%, 20% and 25%, respective to each month. He expects the shares to behave in the same way over the next three months, therefore, he is assigned a probability of 35%, 30% and 35% respectively. The expected return on the asset would be ________.

7. With the data of the previous problem the variance is ________.

8. Applying the data from the previous problem, the risk would be ________.

9. With respect to the above problem, the dispersion of the asset is between ________.

10. With a dividend of $ 3.00 per annum, stock market price $ 10.50 and purchase price of $ 13.00 the cash flow yield would be _______.

Reference no: EM131559834

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