Expectations regarding team members

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Reference no: EM132713301 , Length: word count:1200

HI6008 Business Research Project - Holmes Institute

Topic Development

Research Project Development with Team Charter Appendix

Purpose: Clearly identify your chosen topic, having carried out some basic review of available secondary data to secure your interest (e.g. 5 academic articles OR at least 3 academic articles, plus a business report, plus a relevant current news item). Indicate the Research Problem, as you see it so far, and at least ONE research question at this stage (additional questions may be defined as you progress with this unit).
This assignment also requires the addition of an appendix in which you list the student numbers and names of your team members and complete a Team Charter, indicating what role(s) each will contribute throughout the project.

This unit aims to give you an opportunity to combine many facets of your acquired MBA skills into the production of a high-quality research project.

Assignment 1 - the Topic Development - is to ensure you have given sufficient thought to the topic you are choosing to base your research project on. You will ideally work within a group consisting of 2 or 3 class-mates (the maximum is 3). Your respective contributions in this and further assignments will be governed by your assignment group's Team Charter, which is an appendix you will submit at the same time as your Topic Development. The Team Charter appendix must indicate what roles will be undertaken by each member of the team.

Your tutor will LEAD and FACILITATE you through the process, week by week. The learning will be progressive, so for best results you will need to be listening to the weekly lectures as well as in contact with your tutor during the interactive tutorials.

Assignment Structure of Topic Development should be as the following:

1. Official Cover Sheet
2. Say why this topic interests your team
3. Discuss your team's initial search for relevant literature and show that it has provided you with a good contextual understanding
4. Define the Research Problem that your team intends to address (as you see it, so far)
5. Propose at least ONE research question that your team will be seeking to answer through your research project (additional questions may be defined as you progress with this unit)
6. Append a Team Charter (see template here following) and include the student numbers and names of your team members.

Team Charter Appendix (not required if doing the assignment as a solo-group)

Here the team members must participate in robust discussion during which they discuss their individual interests, strengths and weaknesses and contemplate who can best contribute what over the period of the business research project. For example, while all members of the team must contribute to the whole project, the team members may decide that a particular person will take the lead role in a certain section of the project, such as the sourcing of relevant literature. [If one member takes on the lead role it doesn't mean
that others don't do any of the work, just that they will be guided by the one leading that section of the project]. It is recommended that each team member assumes a leading role for one aspect of the team effort. The result of your discussions should be documented in a table similar to the one below. [Note that you need to define the roles; those listed are simply examples]. Each person's name and student number must appear at least once in the table. There may be more than one person allocated to any role.

1. Explain the team's agreed goals and timeline for completion (Due dates, meetings, milestones, deliverables from individuals)

2. Who is responsible for each activity?

3. What particular team-roles will each member contribute to the team?

4. What are your team's expectations regarding meeting attendance (being on time, leaving early, missing meetings, etc.)?

5. What process will team members follow if they have an emergency and cannot attend a team meeting or complete their individual work promised to the team (deliverable)?

6. What are your team's expectations regarding the quality of team members' preparation for team meetings?

7. What are your team's expectations regarding team members' ideas, interactions with the team, cooperation, attitudes, and team-member contributions in general?

8. How will your team ensure that members contribute as expected to the team and that the team performs as expected?

9. How will your team reward members who do well and how will you collectively manage members whose performance is below expectations?

10. Add any other team agreements and commitments here

Attachment:- Assignment - Topic Development with Appended.rar

Reference no: EM132713301

Questions Cloud

Role of drug treatment in probation and parole : Analyze and discuss the role of drug treatment in probation and parole.
Conclusive presumptions and rebuttable presumptions : Compare and contrast conclusive presumptions and rebuttable presumptions. Is this distinction crucial in a criminal proceeding?
Discuss the law of criminal conspiracy : Should Gotti Jr. been changed with criminal conspiracy? Discuss the law of criminal conspiracy.
Self-defense and the use of deadly force : What I'm really looking for in the paper is graduate level cohesive writing where you research and analyze primary legal sources such as case law
Expectations regarding team members : How will your team reward members who do well and how will you collectively manage members whose performance is below expectations?
Define the research problem that your team intends : Define the Research Problem that your team intends to address and Explain the team's agreed goals and timeline for completion
Create an integrated project plan for a real project : Create an integrated project plan for a real project, including schedule, human resources, budget, risks, and quality, and prepare appropriate Project
Demonstrate a critical understanding of the principles : Demonstrate a critical understanding of the principles of project management as prescribed in the global standard - interpret and apply the project management
Manage the data in an organizations business processes : Discuss the different strategies that a good database administrator would be implementing for ensuring the complete backups, no data loss


Write a Review

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