Expalining the axial musculature:

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM1313238

1) Which of following are true of axial musculature:

a) It arises elsewhere, however inserts on the axial skeleton. 

b) It makes up 40 percent of the body musculature. 

c) It arises and inserts on the axial skeleton. 

d) It arises, but does not insert, on the axial skeleton. 

e) It stabilizes the pectoral and pelvic girdles. 

2) Which of the following is the major action of the neck musculature?

a) Moving rib cage. 

b) Stabilizing pectoral girdle to allow more precise forelimb movements. 

c) Positioning spinal column. 

d) Positioning head. 

e) None of the above. 

3) Axial muscles fall into the logical groups based upon

a) Location. 

b) Function. 

c) Muscle structure. 

d) A and B. 

e) None of the above. 

4) Muscles of head and neck which are innervated by the facial nerve are associated with

a) Actions which orient eyes. 

c) Those which govern verbal communication. 

d) Those which govern feeding. 

e) Actions that form facial expressions. 

f) None of the above. 

5) Muscular partition which isolates abdominopelvic and thoracic cavities is

a) Rectus abdominis. 

b) transversus abdominis. 

c) masseter. 

d) Diaphragm. 

e) Perineum. 

6) The oblique and rectus muscles do which of the following?

a) Form walls of the thoracic cavity. 

b) Occur in the neck. 

c) Provide walls for the abdominal cavity. 

d) Help to position the vertebral column. 

e) all of the above. 

7) Which of following is a spinal extensor?

a) longus capitis 

b) quadratus lumborum 

c) longus cervicis 

d) iliocostalis lumborum 

e) longus colli 

8) Nodding of head as a person falls asleep sitting up includes primarily the muscles of (the)

a) cervicis and thoracis regions. 

b) cervicis region only. 

c) capitis and cervicis regions. 

d) Upper limb and pectoral girdle. 

e) None of the above. 

9) How do extrinsic eye muscles differ in action from intrinsic eye muscles?

a) Two muscle groups do not differ in the movement types, only in when the movements takes place. 

b) Extrinsic eye muscles move the eyeball in relation to the rest of the body, whereas intrinsic muscles move structures within the eyeball. 

c) The extrinsic muscles cause faster movements than do the intrinsic muscles. 

d) The extrinsic eye muscles cannot produce the smooth movements of the intrinsic eye muscles. 

e) None of the above describe the differences. 

10) Which of the following features are common to the muscles of mastication?

a) They enable a person to smile. 

b) They share an oculomotor nerve innervation. 

c) They move the mandible at temporomandibular joint. 

d) They are considered among muscles of facial expression. 

e) A and C are true. 


Reference no: EM1313238

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