Exoneree original criminal case

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Reference no: EM133528397


Take a moment to put yourself in the shoes of an exoneree, and, in the shoes of either an investigator or prosecutor from that exoneree's original criminal case. Then, keeping in mind what you have learned over this semester, imagine that the exoneree and the investigator/prosecutor sat down together over coffee. Predict what you think they might talk about. Some things to consider: what they might start out by saying (and why), what they might agree or disagree on (and why), do you think they would persuade the other person of anything (and why)?

Reference no: EM133528397

Questions Cloud

How can bias affect job interview : How can bias affect a job interview? What can be done to reduce bias in an interview?
Which physiological perspective : Same facial expression in response to something fearful fits with which physiological perspective?
Evaluate vulnerability factors of developing schizophrenia : Evaluate the vulnerability factors of developing schizophrenia according to the updated neural diathesis-stress model.
Panic attack and person who engages in excessive worrying : What is the difference between the anxiety experienced by a person who is having a panic attack and a person who engages in excessive worrying?
Exoneree original criminal case : Take a moment to put yourself in the shoes of an exoneree, and, in the shoes of either an investigator or prosecutor from that exoneree's original criminal case
Future career or academic program : How can a psychology degree benefit you in your future career or academic program?
Compare individual versus group supervision : Compare and contrast individual versus group supervision. Discuss the major tenets of each style.
Bipolar disorder may be misdiagnosed : According to Hirschfeld and colleagues (2002), as many of 80 percent of people with a bipolar disorder may be misdiagnosed or not diagnosed at all.
What special challenges do teens of immigrant parent face : What special challenges do teens of immigrant parent's face? What are some of the social and cognitive influences on gender?


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