Exercise influence understanding of emotional intelligence

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132364131

Organizational behavior is a field that draws heavily on the disciplines of psychology, anthropology, sociology, economics and political science. Using at least three specific scriptures to support your assertions, provide one or more unique perspectives that a biblical worldview would contribute to the field of organizational behavior and management. In other words, tell how a Christian or biblically-based worldview will cause one to think of management and OB differently from someone without these bases.

250 words

Locate Exercise 3.1 at the end of Chapter 3 in our text. Take the evaluation and summarize your results. After summarizing your results, discuss the following questions, taking care to utilize text concepts in your discussion.

Were any of the results surprising to you?

What are the implications of the results as you will be managing others, either now or in the future? How will these results influence how you may manage others?

Were the results in areas of concern to you? How can you intentionally develop or improve the areas that may be of concern?

How does this exercise influence your understanding of emotional intelligence? How may it help you become a better manager of yourself or others?

250 words

writing 1

Using Psalm 19:7-14, write a 500-word response on how the Bible guides us in the area of organizational behavior. Provide and explain relevant workplace examples.

writing 2

Review the text section regarding diversity and the video on diversity vs. differences.

Regarding the organization with which you are familiar, describe any identifiable signs of diversity that you see, identifying multiple forms of diversity (if multiple forms exist).

Describe efforts made by the organization to achieve diversity, and evaluate whether the organization is truly diverse or just has differences.

Minimum of 500 words, 2 peer-reviewed or trade journal source in addition to your text. APA-compliant

Reference no: EM132364131

Questions Cloud

What are some of the metrics that tie back to engagement : What are some of the metrics that tie back to engagement, promotion, and conversion, respectively? How do you think these metrics tie back to engagement,
Discuss three metrics from iconosquare and metrics : Find and discuss three (3) metrics from Iconosquare and three (3) metrics from Facebook Insights that you believe would be valuable to know.
Rethinking the social responsibility of business : "Rethinking the Social Responsibility of Business," the three men interviewed hold differing views on the social responsibility of business.
Analyze business case about ethical and legal issues : In this assignment, you will analyze a business case about ethical and legal issues. Summarize the legal and ethical dilemmas of this case study.
Exercise influence understanding of emotional intelligence : How does this exercise influence your understanding of emotional intelligence? How may it help you become a better manager of yourself or others?
Security structures and enterprise values : Security Structures and Enterprise Values. Create a scenario of a business that would benefit from using the enterprise method of evaluation.
Globalization and international investing : Your opinion on whether international diversification reduce risk in investor's portfolio. Determine whether globalization has effect on selection of investment
Examine the equity approach to valuing new venture : Examine the equity approach to valuing a new venture. Analyze the venture capital process. Compare and contrast different types of entrepreneurial financing.
Principal distinct components of international logistics : What are the principal distinct components of international logistics? Please also provide comments on at least two other classmates' contribution,


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