Executive summary with key findings and recommendations

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM13223332

Each group is to prepare a written report (in report format of approximately 3000words) and an oral presentation (in PowerPoint format) of approximately 10 minutesduration, outlining the following:

1. Executive Summary with key findings and recommendations

2. Clear and concise description of the market in which the organization operates

3. Summary of the marketing environment (both micro and macro-environmental forces and trends)

4. Detailed description of how the market is (or may be) segmented and a statement of thesegment(s) that the organization is targeting.

5. Brief discussion of the behaviour of customers in the segment(s) identified above

6. A description of the marketing mix being used by the organization to target these segments

7. A recommendation for improvements to the organization's marketing effort.

Reference no: EM13223332

Questions Cloud

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What important organizational activities enable a firm : What important organizational activities enable a firm to build quality into its products? Explain each of these along with its benefits. give references.


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