Executes a query based on the contents

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131509628

You must use your LAMP VM in Microsoft Azure and connect to your Adventure Works database using a web page.

This should consist of 1 HTML page containing a form, and 1 PHP page, which executes a query based on the contents entered on the form:

A SELECT statement that returns only the records matching the fname and lname entered and all columns from the CONTACT table. Your submission should include:

A Microsoft Word document that contains the URL to your webpage on your LAMP VM.

An HTML page containing a web form.

A PHP page that executes a query.

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The assignment is about the fetching of data from database after matching the first name and last name of the candidate entered by him, it will help you to get whole information of that candidate. This kind of work will help us to maintain data of large and complex projects and will help the user to get unique data.

Reference no: EM131509628

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