Execute a set adt in java using a singly linked list

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM133194


In this project, you are to execute a Set ADT in Java using a singly linked list. The data type of elements of your set has to be String type. We imagine that all the sets are simple; a set does not contain another set.

Your ADT should contain following operations-

1. Insert an element in a set. Make sure all elements of a set are unique.

2. Eliminate an element of a set.

3. Membership- Check whether an element belongs to a set.

4. Test whether a set is a subset of another set.

5. Compute the cardinality of a set. What is the cardinality of an empty set?

6. Intersection of 2 sets.

7. Union of 2 sets.

8. Find difference of 2 sets.

9. Power Sets: create the power set of a given set.

10. Cartesian product of 2 sets.

Reference no: EM133194

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